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A flutter package which will help you to generate pin code fields with beautiful design and animations. It's a beautiful and highly customizable Flutter widget for entering pin code. Can be useful for OTP or pin code inputs and also has ability to autofill the OTP.


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A flutter package which will help you to generate pin code fields with beautiful design and animations. It's a beautiful and highly customizable Flutter widget for entering pin code.

Created by Shivam Mishra @shivbo96

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Use this package as a library

  1. Depend on it Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:
  otp_pin_field: <VERSION>
  1. Install it You can install packages from the command line: with Flutter:
$ flutter packages get

Alternatively, your editor might support flutter packages get. Check the docs for your editor to learn more.

  1. Import it Now in your Dart code, you can use:
import 'package:otp_pin_field/otp_pin.dart';


name type default description
fieldCount int 4 The total length of pin number & the number of pin boxes.
highlightBorder bool true highlight the focused pin box.
activeFieldBorderColor Color Set color of the focused pin box.
activeFieldBackgroundColor Color Colors.transparent Set background color of the focused pin box.
defaultFieldBorderColor Color Colors.black45 Set color of the unfocused pin box.
defaultFieldBackgroundColor Color Colors.transparent Set background color of the unfocused pin box.
fieldPadding double 20.0 Set padding for pin box.
fieldBorderRadius double 2.0 Set border radius for pin box.
fieldBorderWidth double 2.0 Set border width for pin box.
textStyle TextStyle TextStyle(fontSize: 18.0,color:,) TextStyle for styling pin characters.
otpPinFieldInputType OtpPinFieldInputType OtpPinFieldInputType.none Want to show text of otp_pin_field(OtpPinFieldInputType.none) or not(OtpPinFieldInputType.password) or want to show some special character(OtpPinFieldInputType.custom)
otpPinInputCustom String "*" Special character to mask the pin code. Will only work if uses otpPinFieldInputType is set to OtpPinFieldInputType.custom.
onSubmit void Function(String) Callback when the max length of pin code is reached.
otpPinFieldStyle OtpPinFieldStyle OtpPinFieldStyle() Customization for the individual pin boxes. Check OtpPinFieldStyle for possible options.
fieldHeight double 45.0 Height of pin boxes.
fieldWidth double 70.0 Width of pin boxes.
otpPinFieldDecoration OtpPinFieldDecoration OtpPinFieldDecoration.underlinedPinBoxDecoration Predefine customization for the individual pin boxes. Check OtpPinFieldStyle for possible options and use OtpPinFieldDecoration.custom for fully customization like boarder radius,width, active and default otp_pin_field colors and etc..
keyboardType TextInputType TextInputType.number The type of the input keyboard
autofocus bool false Autofocus on view entered
cursorColor Color To give color to the cursor
cursorWidth double 2 To give width to the cursor
showCursor bool true To show cursor in the otp pin fields
mainAxisAlignment MainAxisAlignment Manage the spacing in the otp pin fields
upperChild Widget Container() Widget which will show above the otp pin fields only when showCustomKeyboard is set to be true
middleChild Widget Container() Widget which will show between the otp pin fields and Custom Keyboard only when showCustomKeyboard is set to be true
showCustomKeyboard bool false To show custom keyboard in place default keyboard
customKeyboard Widget Widget which help you to show your own custom keyboard in place if default custom keyboard
showDefaultKeyboard bool true Bool which manage to show default OS keyboard
autoFillEnable bool false Bool which manage to enable auto fill functionality For Ios it is not needed as the SMS autofill is provided by default, but not for Android, that's where this key is useful.
smsRegex String '\d{0,4}' String which take use to show the OTP from the message
phoneNumbersHint bool false Bool which manage to enable auto fill functionality Is a widget that will allow you ask for system phone number and autofill the widget if a phone is choosen by the user. [Android only]
textInputAction TextInputAction TextInputAction.done In case you want to change the action of keyboard


///  Otp pin Controller
  final _otpPinFieldController = GlobalKey<OtpPinFieldState>();
              key: _otpPinFieldController,   /// to clear the Otp pin Controller
              onSubmit: (text) {
                print('Entered pin is $text');  /// return the entered pin
              onChange: (text) {
                print('Enter on change pin is $text');   /// return the entered pin
               autoFillEnable: true, ///for Ios it is not needed as the SMS autofill is provided by default, but not for Android, that's where this key is useful.
               textInputAction: TextInputAction.done , ///in case you want to change the action of keyboard
               onCodeChanged: (code){
                print('onCodeChanged  is $code');  /// return the entered pin after autofill
              /// to decorate your Otp_Pin_Field
              otpPinFieldStyle: OtpPinFieldStyle(
                  // border color for inactive/unfocused Otp_Pin_Field
                  // border color for active/focused Otp_Pin_Field
                  activeFieldBorderColor: Colors.indigo,

                  /// Background Color for inactive/unfocused Otp_Pin_Field
                  defaultFieldBackgroundColor: Colors.yellow,
                  activeFieldBackgroundColor: Colors.cyanAccent

                  /// Background Color for active/focused Otp_Pin_Field
              maxLength: 4,

              /// no of pin field
              showCursor: true,

              /// bool to show cursor in pin field or not
              cursorColor: Colors.indigo,

              /// to choose cursor color
              upperChild: Column(
                children: [
                  SizedBox(height: 30),
                  Icon(Icons.flutter_dash_outlined, size: 150),
                  SizedBox(height: 20),
              middleChild: Column(
                children: [
                  SizedBox(height: 30),
                      onPressed: () {
                            ?.clearOtp(); // clear controller
                      child: Text("clear OTP")),
                  SizedBox(height: 10),
                      onPressed: () => Navigator.push(context,
                          MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => NextPage())),
                      child: Text("Next Class")),
                  SizedBox(height: 30),
              showCustomKeyboard: true,

              ///bool which manage to show custom keyboard
              // customKeyboard: Container(),  /// Widget which help you to show your own custom keyboard in place if default custom keyboard
              // showDefaultKeyboard: true,  ///bool which manage to show default OS keyboard
              cursorWidth: 3,

              /// to select cursor width

              /// place otp pin field according to yourselft

              /// predefine decorate of pinField use  OtpPinFieldDecoration.defaultPinBoxDecoration||OtpPinFieldDecoration.underlinedPinBoxDecoration||OtpPinFieldDecoration.roundedPinBoxDecoration
              ///use OtpPinFieldDecoration.custom  (by using this you can make Otp_Pin_Field according to yourself like you can give fieldBorderRadius,fieldBorderWidth and etc things)

Android SMS constraint

For the code to be receive, it need to follow some rules as describe here:

  • Be no longer than 140 bytes
  • Contain a one-time code that the client sends back to your server to complete the verification flow
  • End with an 11-character hash string that identifies your app

One example of SMS would be:

8125 is you verification code Ov114rXIhwf ( Ov114rXIhwf is your hash value which you will get in log ``` search  your hash value is`` and append that value in your sms)

refer to example/lib/main.dart

Different Shapes


More information

Pub package

Flutter documentation.


A flutter package which will help you to generate pin code fields with beautiful design and animations. It's a beautiful and highly customizable Flutter widget for entering pin code. Can be useful for OTP or pin code inputs and also has ability to autofill the OTP.







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  • Dart 58.6%
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  • HTML 6.4%
  • Ruby 3.8%
  • Swift 1.6%
  • Objective-C 1.2%