This repository contains my personal dotfiles, designed for full use on Ubuntu (Debian-based), with most of the features also functioning on other Linux distributions.
Interactive installation with bin/ script.
git clone --single-branch --branch main
cd ~/dotfiles
Interactive update with bin/ script.
cd ~/dotfiles
Package lists, located in packages/.
- apt.txt - apt packages
- apt-lite.txt - minimal apt packages
- apt-sources - apt sources list
- snap.txt - snap packages
- pip.txt - pip packages
- cargo-packages.txt - cargo packages
- npm-packages.txt - npm packages
Configuration files, located in config/.
- .profile - bash profile, used for login shells
- .bashrc - main bash config file, includes history and bash settings, PATH, etc
- .bash/ - custom command prompt with colored error codes, background jobs indicator, git integration, etc
- .bash/ - custom colors for many commands like ls, grep, etc
- .bash/ - aliases definitions
- .bash/ - functions definitions
- .bash/ - keybindings definitions
- .bash/ - copilot cli functions and aliases definitions
- .bash/ - fzf config, including keybindings and custom commands
- .bash/ - custom config for specific machine or user settings (not tracked)
- nvim/ - neovim config dir
- tmux/ - tmux config dir
- bat/ - bat config dir
- btop/ - btop config dir
- nano/.nanorc - nano config file
- terminator/config - terminator config file
- xterm/.Xresources - xterm config file
- git/.gitconfig - git config file
- lsd/ - lsd config dir
- vivid/ - vivid config dir
Miscellaneous files, located in misc/.
Applications located in misc/applications/.
Icons located in misc/icons/.
Located in misc/fonts/.
- Hack - Hack font
- Nerd Fonts Symbols - Nerd Fonts symbols only
Located in misc/wallpapers/.
- wallpapers - wallpapers dir
- - script to randomly change wallpaper, used within a cron job
- wallpaper.log - log file for
output - wallpaper.png - current wallpaper symlinked
Cron job example:
# m h dom mon dow command
0 * * * * $HOME/Pictures/Wallpapers/ &> $HOME/Pictures/Wallpapers/wallpaper.log
Located in misc/animations/.
Located in misc/gnome-extensions/.
- activities-text@z0d1ac
- blur-my-shell@aunetx
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
- custom-accent-colors@demiskp
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
- lockkeys@fawtytoo
- [email protected]
Located in misc/bin/.
Scripts from /usr/local/bin
Located in misc/firefox/.