CS229 Final Project
Please view in raw format
All files provided and ready to run simulator.py
Read step 4 for simulator use
If you wish to recreate the experiment from scratch, do the following:
Delete all non-py files from the main directory (files, not folders)
Edit parse_data.py - You will find 2 hyperparameters
- w = boolean indicating word or character gram
- n = number of variable in each dictionary slot
- default: 1 and 1
1.5 Run parse_data
-Requires a folder titled "Myspace" in the same folder as parse_data
-Requires a folder titled "Bully output" inside "Myspace", containing files like the sample one provided
-Requires XML files of conversations inside "Myspace"
-Outputs as pickle dumps:
-using_files.txt - which XML conversation files were used
-feature_list.txt - feature dictionary
-labels.txt - labels aligned with using_files
-feature_matrix.txt - contains sentence vectors, encoded using feature_list
Run shuffle_results.py
- Outputs as pickle dumps -training/test_labels.txt: Shuffled 80-20 division of labels.txt -training/test_matrix.txt: Shuffled (same) 80-20 division of feature_matrix.txt
Run svm.py
-Trains SVM using training data (which is divided 80-20 into train/dev) -Outputs error on dev set -Outputs error on test set
Run simulator.py
-Do NOT run from IDLE (Windows), just double click -Simulator is extremely basic; input text and press enter -If bullying is detected, it will output as such -type "s bully" (no quotes) to tell the SVM the previous statement was bullying -same for "s not bully" -SVM will NOT update until you type "Done" -Outputs: -master_convo.npz - sparse matrix representation of ALL data, direct SVM input -model.pkl - Current SVM model
Re-run simulator.py to test