Releases: mikeqfu/pydriosm
Notable changes since 2.1.2:
- GDAL is now an optional dependency and will only be required when dealing with PBF data.
- Fixed bugs in the following classes: BBBikeDownloader and PostgresOSM.
For more information and detailed specifications, check out PyDriosm 2.2.0 documentation.
Notable changes since 2.1.1:
- Improved the following methods: SHPReadParse.merge_layer_shps() and BBBikeDownloader.get_subregion_index().
- Updated requirements on dependencies to adapt to SQLAlchemy 2.0+.
For more information and detailed specifications, check out PyDriosm 2.1.2 documentation.
Notable changes since 2.1.0:
- Improved the following methods/modules (with bug fixes):
- the methods .write_to_shapefile(), .read_layer_shps(), and .merge_layer_shps() of the class SHPReadParse;
- the modules downloader and _updater.
For more information and detailed specifications, check out PyDriosm 2.1.1 documentation.
Note that this release introduces a highly modified version, which is not compatible with any previous versions.
Notable changes since 2.0.3:
- Made major modifications and sweeping changes to the modules: downloader, reader, ios and utils.
- Removed the module settings.
- Replaced the module updater with _updater.
- Added a new module errors.
For more information and detailed specifications, check out PyDriosm 2.1.0 documentation.
Notable changes since 2.0.2:
- Renamed the function
get_default_shp_crs()to get_epsg4326_wgs84_crs_ref() in the module reader. - Removed the function get_osm_geom_object_dict() from the module utils
- Changed the default package for reading/writing shapefiles from GeoPandas to PyShp (Note that GeoPandas would not be required for installing PyDriosm 2.0.3+ but would still be reserved as an alternative option if available.
- Modified the default download directories.
- Improved the class PostgresOSM in the module ios and the module downloader with bug fixes.
- Added the following new functions:
- get_epsg4326_wgs84_prj_ref(), specify_pyshp_fields() and write_to_shapefile() to the module reader;
- shp_shape_types_dict() and shp_shape_types_geom_dict() to the module utils.
For more information and detailed specifications, check out PyDriosm 2.0.3 documentation.
Notable changes since 2.0.1:
- Added a new parameter
for setting the maximum size of in-memory temporary file while instantiating the classes GeofabrikReader and BBBikeReader for reading OSM data. - Added a new function validate_shp_layer_names() to the module utils.
- Optimized import statements for all modules.
For more information and detailed specifications, check out PyDriosm 2.0.2 documentation.
Note that this release is a highly modified version and not compatible with any previous versions.
Notable changes since 1.0.20:
- Featured with the following three new modules:
- downloader, modified from the former download_GeoFabrik and download_BBBike, for downloading data;
- reader, modified from the former read_GeoFabrik, for reading the data;
- ios, modified from the former osm_psql and dump_GeoFabrik, for PostgreSQL-based I/O and storage of the data.
- Renamed the rest of the modules, fixed known bugs and added a number of new functions/classes.
Note that 1.0.19 had been removed from GitHub Releases.
Notable changes since 1.0.18:
- Removed the function split_list() from the module utils.
- Improved the following class and functions with bug fixes:
- OSM in the module osm_psql;
- regulate_input_subregion_name() in download_GeoFabrik;
- read_pbf() and read_pbf() in the module read_GeoFabrik;
- psql_osm_pbf_data_extracts() in dump_GeoFabrik.
Notable changes since 1.0.17:
- Integrated the function collect_bbbike_subregion_download_catalogue() into collect_bbbike_download_catalogue() in the module download_BBBike.
- Modified the module download_GeoFabrik, allowing it to download data of a deep or shallow set of subregions.
- Improved the following functions with bug fixes:
- get_subregion_table() in the module download_GeoFabrik
- find_osm_shp_file(), merge_multi_shp() and read_pbf() in the module read_GeoFabrik
- Added a new module update.
- Added default parameters for PostgreSQL database connection.