Test project for Invillia company
A little bit lazy? Straight to the point, just follow the recipe, more explanations below.
docker-compose up -d docker-compose exec php sh composer install bin/console doctrine:schema:create # run the tests ./bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load ./bin/phpunit
The project has a docker-compose.yml file, you just need to run the command bellow and it will create tree containers, Apache, Php, Mysql respectively.
- docker-compose up -d
Outside the container the code will be in the 'html' folder, and inside the Apache and Php containers will be in the '/var/www/html' folder
- To the project to work we need to bring the project dependencies. Access the PHP container and run de composer.
- docker-compose exec php sh
- composer install
- To create the database schema first enter on the PHP container, then run the doctrine create schema command.
- docker-compose exec php sh
- bin/console doctrine:schema:create
- To run the tests just enter on the PHP container and execute the command:
- ./bin/phpunit
- You may see those routes documented in /api/doc
- /api/people
- /api/people/{id}
- /api/shiporders
- /api/shiporders/{id}
- /upload
- Access the upload screen /upload and submit the two files at the sametime, the 'happy way' is working
- The files are in html/tests/Service/Assets
- If you run the tests, clean the database before using the upload feature (same data)