Simple web app that use icmp protocol to check some devices if there are up or not. In the app, you have 'Node' which is a single device or server that you want to capture status and the 'Area' which is a group of nodes for better separation
1. Run all services in the containers
docker-compose -f .\docker-compose.debug.yml build
docker-compose -f .\docker-compose.debug.yml up
you can attach the debugger after running the entire app with the command above
docker-compose -f .\docker-compose.debug.yml down
2. Run services separately
Run the database services:
docker-compose -f .\ up
Then you have to run API and the ui as well:
cd ./server
yarn run dev
cd ./www
yarn run serve
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
docker-compose down
A better solution may be Docker Swarm. Make sure you built the images first.
docker swarm init
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml icmp
Milad bonakdar
[email protected]