- c++11
- cmake
- boost multiprecision installed includes (>=1.66, exclude 1.68!)
$ git clone https://github.com/mile-core/mile-csa-light
$ cd ./mile-csa-light; mkdir build; cd ./build
$ cmake ..; make -j4
$ make test
$ wget https://dl.bintray.com/boostorg/release/1.67.0/source/boost_1_67_0.tar.gz
$ tar -xzf boost_1_*
$ cd boost_1_*
$ ./bootstrap.sh --prefix=/usr
$ ./b2 install --prefix=/usr --with=all -j4
- Centos7 (gcc v4.8.5)
- OSX 10.13, XCode10
#include "milecsa_light_api.hpp"
// available tokens:
milecsa::token stable = milecsa::assets::XDR;
milecsa::token index = milecsa::assets::MILE;
// Properties
std::cout << "Name: " << stable.name;
std::cout << "Code: " << stable.code;
std::cout << "Precision: " << stable.precision;
// Fixed point conversion to string presentation
std::string amount = asset.value_to_string(100.1f);
#include "milecsa_light_api.hpp"
milecsa::light::Pair keyPair;
std::string errorDescription;
if (milecsa::keys::generate(keyPair, errorDescription)) {
// Handle error
return false;
} else {
return true;
#include "milecsa_light_api.hpp"
milecsa::light::Pair keyPair;
std::string errorDescription;
if (milecsa::keys::generate_with_secret(keyPair, "test string", errorDescription))
return false;
return true;
#include "milecsa_light_api.hpp"
milecsa::light::Pair keyPair;
std::string errorDescription;
errorDescription)) {
return false;
return true;
#include "milecsa_light_api.hpp"
/// trx id can be create for user reason or can be default
uint64_t trx_id = default_transaction_id;
/// Transaction container string
std::string transaction;
/// Transaction container uniq digest
std::string digest;
/// Asset code
milecsa::token token = milecsa::assets::XDR;
/// Prepare fixed point presentation asset amount
float amount = 1.0f;
/// Build signed transfer transaction
if (milecsa::transaction::prepare_transfer(
pair.private_key, /// "from" private key
to, /// "to" public key
block_id, /// block id
trx_id, /// user defined transaction id or number
token, /// asset
amount, /// amount of transfer
0.0, /// fee is always 0
"memo", /// description
transaction, /// returned signed transaction as json string
digest, /// uinq transaction digest string
errorMessage /// error message if something failed
cerr << " prepare_transfer error: " << errorMessage << endl;
return -1;
/// Prepare transfer json-rpc buffer
// transaction is a json string -> ...
std::string request = "{\"id\":0,\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"method\":\"send-transaction\",\"version\":0.0, \"params\": ";
request += transaction_body + "}";
// Send transaction
. Send transaction
. Getting next 4 blocks including current block (till block contains this transaction)
. Check transaction in section "transactions" in block
. If transactions is found with the same digest or public-key and transaction-id that have ben sent - blockchain is approved the operation
. If within next 4 blocks (including current) the sent transaction did not appear in the blockchain, then we can assume that the transaction was not accepted and should be resend with new block-id and new transaction-id untill this one will be apporved