- c++17
- cmake >= 3.9
- boost >= 1.66.0 (do not update to 1.68!)
- openssl == 1.0.2p
- Docker
- RethinkDB
- Mile CSA API
$ git clone https://github.com/mile-core/mile-explorer
$ cd mile-explorer
$ cd vendor/librethinkdbxx && make; cd ../..;
$ mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make -j4
$ cmake CMakeLists.txt -DBoost_NO_BOOST_CMAKE=TRUE -DBoost_NO_SYSTEM_PATHS=TRUE -DBOOST_ROOT=<user-prefix-path>/boost_1_67_0/ -DBoost_LIBRARY_DIRS=<user-prefix-path>/boost_1_67_0/stage/lib/ -DOPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR=<user-prefix-path>/openssl-1.0.2p/include -DOPENSSL_SSL_LIBRARY=<user-prefix-path>/openssl-1.0.2p/libssl.so -DOPENSSL_CRYPTO_LIBRARY=<user-prefix-path>/openssl-1.0.2p/libcrypto.so ..
$ make -j4
$ cmake -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=/usr/local/opt/openssl ..
$ make -j4
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
$ make -j4
$ wget https://dl.bintray.com/boostorg/release/1.67.0/source/boost_1_67_0.tar.gz
$ tar -xzf boost_1_*
$ cd boost_1_*
$ ./bootstrap.sh --prefix=/usr
$ sudo ./b2 install --prefix=/usr --with=all -j4
- Ubuntu 18.04
- OSX 10.13
Install RethinkDB in rethinkdb docker
$ docker pull rethinkdb
$ mkdir rethinkdb; cd rethinkdb
$ docker run --name mile-rethink -v "$PWD:/data" -d rethinkdb
# open in browser http://localhost:8080
$ git clone https://github.com/mile-core/mile-explorer
$ cd mile-explorer
$ bash prepare-build.sh
$ docker-compose up -d rethinkdb
$ # ... wait 5-10 second
$ docker-compose up -d
POST http://localhost:8042/v1/api
Accept: */*
Cache-Control: no-cache
POST http://localhost:8042/v1/api
Accept: */*
Cache-Control: no-cache
Get all allowed methods
POST http://localhost:8042/v1/api
Accept: */*
Cache-Control: no-cache
Get chains history state
POST http://localhost:8042/v1/api
Accept: */*
Cache-Control: no-cache
Get chains history from block first with limit of history length
POST http://localhost:8042/v1/api
Accept: */*
Cache-Control: no-cache
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"get-block-history","params":{"first":10, "limit":1},"id":"2"}
"id": "2",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": [{
"block-id": 10,
"id": "10",
"transactions": [{
"amount": "10",
"assetCode": "0",
"code": "10",
}, {
"version": "1"
Get certain block from chain by id. This is equal get-block-history with limit:1 but more efficient
POST http://localhost:8042/v1/api
Accept: */*
Cache-Control: no-cache
"id": "0",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"block-id": 2,
"id": "2",
"version": "1"
Get wallet block ids for a known public-key
POST http://localhost:8042/v1/api
Accept: */*
Cache-Control: no-cache
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"get-wallet-history-blocks","params":{"public-key":"zVG4iPaggWUUaDEkyEyFBv8dNYSaFMm2C7WS8nSMKWLsSh9x", "first": 0, "limit": 2},"id":"12"}
Get wallet history state for a known public-key
POST http://localhost:8042/v1/api
Accept: */*
Cache-Control: no-cache
Get wallet transaction history for the known public-key from first with limit of transactions list
POST http://localhost:8042/v1/api
Accept: */*
Cache-Control: no-cache
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"get-wallet-history-transactions","params":{"public-key":"2cv1HqiCE8BeHc4Y7vucckMysx3PV7KND2mQiMdXqDJg812Fd5", "first": 0, "limit": 3},"id":"12"}
"id": "12",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"transactions": [{
"public-key": "111111111111111111111111111111115RyRTN",
"id": 20
"public-key": "111111111111111111111111111111115RyRTN",
"id": 21
"public-key": "2cv1HqiCE8BeHc4Y7vucckMysx3PV7KND2mQiMdXqDJg812Fd5",
"id": 1
Get certain transactions for the known wallet with public-key and id
POST http://localhost:8042/v1/api
Accept: */*
Cache-Control: no-cache
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"get-transaction","params":{"public-key":"2XEbswkyZJVNg1ayvyt4XNrJ4Eb41tNdPUdEhnMJpvTKVxgKSc", "id":1},"id":"10"}
"id": "1",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"asset": [
"amount": "10000.00",
"code": "0"
"block-id": 404,
"description": "",
"fee": "0.00",
"from": "25XmmZXDXbYrQMgSXQcCdcGvjec6iSR4hQ5AxfQJMC8NkMdGzZ",
"id": "25XmmZXDXbYrQMgSXQcCdcGvjec6iSR4hQ5AxfQJMC8NkMdGzZ:10675441032758331955",
"to": "2bTcCpZkXgtTcHokTH1iM8kwioVK85TdCwDvUH8c37g4CjiNti",
"transaction-id": "10675441032758331955",
"transaction-type": "TransferAssetsTransaction"