The package implements conditional gradient methods for the solution of the PDE-constrained optimization problems
Examples of convex PDE-constrained problems can be found in convex and of potentially nonconvex ones in nonconvex.
The implementation can be used to optimally design renewable tidal-stream energy farms.
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate FW4PDE
The following packages are required:
See environment.yml for a complete list of dependencies.
M. Besançon, A. Carderera, S. Pokutta (2022) FrankWolfe.jl: A High-Performance and Flexible Toolbox for Frank–Wolfe Algorithms and Conditional Gradients. INFORMS Journal on Computing 0(0).
Dunn, J.C.: Rates of convergence for conditional gradient algorithms near singular and nonsingular extremals. SIAM J. Control Optim. 17(2), 187–211 (1979)
Dunn, J.C.: Convergence rates for conditional gradient sequences generated by implicit step length rules. SIAM J. Control Optim. 18(5), 473–487 (1980)
J.C. Dunn, S. Harshbarger, Conditional gradient algorithms with open loop step size rules, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Volume 62, Issue 2, February 1978, Pages 432-444
Harchaoui, Z., Juditsky, A. and Nemirovski, A. Conditional gradient algorithms for norm-regularized smooth convex optimization. Math. Program. 152, 75–112 (2015).
K. Kunisch, D. Walter, On fast convergence rates for generalized conditional gradient methods with backtracking stepsize, preprint,, 2021
A complete list of references is provided in