Switch in pluralkit from the comfort of your command line.
First install pluralkit.py by following the instructions here.
Then run it however you normally run Python scripts, which will probably be python3 sw
. If you put it somewhere on your PATH, you can run sw
anywhere you like, without needing to specify python3
The first time you run this, it will create a config file config.py
. Edit it to have your system token between the 'quotes'. You can get your token by running pk;token
on Discord. Anyone with your token can delete your system, make 1000 members all named "farts", and all sorts of nasty stuff, so don't accidentally leak it. pk;token refresh
will reset it if you do.
sw memberName otherGuy etc
to switch in members (as many as you'd like!)
sw out
to switch out
sw delete
to delete the last switch
You can list members by name, ID, or display name. Put multi-word names 'in quotes'.