Release version v0.22.4
- 756f004 Add tests for admin info (#2553)
- 255e3d1 Added delete governance bypass option when deleting file versions (#2536)
- 1d951b2 Allow Put* actions in console (#2544)
- de16b73 Capitalize Kubernetes in Login page text (#2526)
- d8b3d07 Change Go version to 1.19 (#2543)
- 92123bd Changed selected styles for deleted rows (#2537)
- 287af26 Fix Copy URL snackbar styling in Share File modal (#2549)
- 25e486e Fix Operator login when openID provider is configured (#2533)
- 733517f Fix replication test (#2547)
- 1cb2fca Increase coverage (#2551)
- 7001067 Increase threshold (#2555)
- aece225 Migrated moment.js to Luxon (#2540)
- 6084212 Release v0.22.4 (#2542)
- 944b567 Remove GKE Integration (#2552)
- e23c110 Run test with ubi 8.7 (#2532)
- c9e5354 Show the DNS helpbox on tenant edit, as is shown in tenant create (#2545)
- 6d5026d Update json5 & testcafe (#2538)
- 65ab687 Updated mds to v0.0.9 (#2541)
- 9fd7636 Upgrade Go Dependencies (#2546)
- 21c6a44 Upgrade jsonwebtoken - vulnerabilities found in current version (#2530)
- 1e6ca13 update route path for idp screens as per menu placement (#2529)