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My dotfiles


Nvim (LazyVim): lazyvim_home lazyvim_ui Powershell

Terminal with terminal icons and firacode Mono: Powershell

Dotfiles for:

  • neovim with lazyvim
  • wsl + fish (with neovim) with fish shell
  • powershell (and fish) with oh-my-posh
  • vscode vim motions and custom keybinds + other settings

Themes im using for neovim, bat, fzf, fish and vscode:

Nerd font im using:

How to setup WSL with GPU support

This "guide" covers the installation and setup of WSL2 on a Windows machine, enabling GPU support, managing Linux distributions, installing Anaconda, and cloning a GitHub repository using SSH.

1. Installing and Enabling WSL2 on Windows

Check if You Have WSL2 or WSL1

To determine whether you have WSL1 or WSL2 installed:

wsl -l -v

The output will show the version of each installed distribution.

Install WSL2

If WSL is not installed, you can install it using the following command in PowerShell:

wsl --install

Set WSL2 as the default version:

wsl --set-default-version 2

2. Enable Virtual Machine Platform and Virtualization

Enable Virtual Machine Platform

Run the following command in PowerShell as Administrator:

dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:VirtualMachinePlatform /all /norestart
Enable Virtualization in BIOS
  1. Restart your computer and enter the BIOS/UEFI settings (usually by pressing F2, F10, F12, or Delete during startup).
  2. Find and enable the virtualization option (e.g., Intel VT-x, Intel Virtualization Technology, SVM Mode, or AMD-V).
  3. Save and exit the BIOS.

3. Install a Custom Linux Version via Microsoft Store

Install from Microsoft Store
  1. Open the Microsoft Store and search for the Linux distribution you want to install.
  2. Install your preferred distribution.
Check Available Linux Distributions via Terminal

To see a list of all available Linux distributions:

wsl --list --online

To install any distro, for example Ubuntu 24.04, run:

wsl --install -d Ubuntu-24.04

To set WSL 2 as the default version:

wsl --set-default-version 2
Update Ubuntu Package List and Packages in WSL

Once you have an instaled distro, to update the package list and upgrade installed packages:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade -y
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential

To perform a full upgrade:

sudo apt full-upgrade -y
Change the Default WSL Distribution

If you have multiple distributions installed, you can set a default one:

wsl --set-default <DistributionName>

4. Start the WSL Distribution

You can start the default distribution with:


To start a specific distribution:

wsl -d <DistributionName>

5. Installing and Setting up Homebrew

Homebrew is a package manager for Linux, similar to apt/apt-get. We will use it to install oh-my-posh, neovim and all our tools.

Step 1: Install Homebrew

Run the following command in your WSL distro terminal to install homebrew:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Step 2: Add Homebrew to Your Path

After installation, you need to add Homebrew to your PATH environment variable. Open your shell configuration file (e.g., ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc) and add this line to the end of the file:

eval "$(/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv)"

Then reload the configuration:

source ~/.bashrc

You can verify that homebrew is installed and working by running:

brew doctor

6. Terminal: Powershell


If you prefer a more stable and native Linux shell experience in WSL, skip to Fish.

I'm using powershell right now with oh-my-posh for windows, if you want to use it on WSL, you can follow the steps below:

To make sure powershell is installed in your Ubuntu distro:

# First enter WSL

# Then install PowerShell in Ubuntu
# Add Microsoft package repository
curl | sudo apt-key add -
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb [arch=amd64] bullseye main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/microsoft.list'

# Install PowerShell
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y powershell

# Launch PowerShell

What i do is adding the following to the end ofmy ~/.bashrc file, to run powershell as default:

# Open powershell on startup
Useful Powershell tools
z directory jumper

Z tracks your most used directories, based on 'frecency'. This is done by storing your CD command history and ranking it over time.

To install:

Install-Module -Name z -Force

After installing, and after navigating a couple of times to your most frequent directories, you will be able to cd to them just typing z + some reference to the directory. Example:

z proj

Would be the equivalent of:

cd home/your-username/project

This module adds autocompletion, commands history, syntax highlighting and other features to powershell. Pretty handy:

Install-Module -Name PSReadLine -AllowPrerelease -Force

7. Terminal: Fish

Powershell does not behave very well with WSL, you can come into all sort of issues that i'd prefer to avoid (like language servers not working in neovim, etc). So ive included a setup for Fish.

Step 1: Install Fish
brew install fish

You need to make fish your default shell, to do this, first check where fish is located:

which fish
Step 2: Make Fish your default shell

Add fish to the list of allowed shells:

echo /path/to/bin/fish | sudo tee -a /etc/shells

Then make fish your default shell:

chsh -s /path/to/bin/fish

Restart the terminal and fish should be your default shell.


If you are having trouble with oh-my-posh or neovim not being recognized by fish, you can add the following to your ~/.config/fish/ file:

# Add Homebrew to PATH for Fish
set -Ux fish_user_paths /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/sbin $fish_user_paths

This should allow Fish to recognize Homebrew-installed binaries like oh-my-posh and nvim.

8. Installing and Configuring Oh-My-Posh (fish)

Oh-My-Posh is a tool that allows you to use themes for your powershell prompt. Comes with icons and different templates to choose from. You can also create or customize your own.

Step 1: Install Oh-My-Posh
brew install jandedobbeleer/oh-my-posh/oh-my-posh
Step 2: Configure Oh-My-Posh

First install a nerd font using:

oh-my-posh font install

To change your promt, add the following snippet to your ~/.config/fish/ file:

oh-my-posh init fish | source

Once added, reload your config for the changes to take effect:

exec fish

If you want to use the theme on this repo, you can add it to your file. First, download the theme file from the repo:

# Create and navigate to the oh-my-posh folder
mkdir -p ~/.config/oh-my-posh && cd ~/.config/oh-my-posh

# Download the theme file
curl -O

Then add the following to your ~/.config/fish/ file:

oh-my-posh init fish --config ~/.config/oh-my-posh/santiago.omp.json | source

Make sure to reload your config for the changes to take effect:

exec fish

9. Additional shell tools

fzf Fuzzy finder

From the github page: It's an interactive filter program for any kind of list; files, command history, processes, hostnames, bookmarks, git commits, etc. It implements a "fuzzy" matching algorithm, so you can quickly type in patterns with omitted characters and still get the results you want.

Works very similar to Telescope in neovim, but directly from the terminal, you can also inspect files with it and open them with neovim. Ive set some commands with aliases for powershell on the user_profile.ps1 file on this repo.

To install:

brew install fzf

If you want to have syntax highlighting in the preview, make sure to install bat:

brew install bat

This repo comes with the kanagawa theme for bat as well as for nvim and fish, if you want to use it for bat, once installed, clone the kanagawa.tmTheme file to your ~/.config/bat/themes folder:

# Navigate to the bat themes folder
cd ~/.config/bat/themes

# Clone the kanagawa theme
curl -O

If you clone the entire repo into your ~/.config folder, you'll have the theme by default.

To make it available to bat, you need to update the binary cache:

bat cache --build

Zoxide is a fast cd command that learns your habits.

To install:

brew install zoxide

After installing, you can add the following to your ~/.config/fish/ file to enable zoxide:

# Add zoxide to PATH
zoxide init fish | source

Very simple to use, you just need to cd to a directory once to let zoxide learn your habits, and then you can use the z command to navigate to your most used directories, just type z + some reference to the directory you want to navigate to. Example:

z proj

Would be the equivalent of, for example:

cd ~/projects
Additional fish utilities/config (including some aliases for fzf)

To add a preview to the fuzzy finder and some other quality of life shortcuts that i like to use, add the following to your ~/.config/fish/ file:

# Fuzzy finder with preview: open with cat explorer mode, similar to Telescope
function fuzz-preview
  fzf --preview="bat --color=always {}"

function fuzz-preview-nvim
  nvim (fzf -m --preview="bat --color=always {}")

# Navigation shortcuts
function ..
  cd ..

function ...
  cd ../..

function ....
  cd ../../..

# Aliases
alias g="git"
alias vim="nvim"
alias cc="clear"
alias ll="ls -lat"
alias ff="fuzz-preview"
alias nff="fuzz-preview-nvim"

# Theme: Kanagawa
set -l foreground DCD7BA normal
set -l selection 2D4F67 brcyan
set -l comment 727169 brblack
set -l red C34043 red
set -l orange FF9E64 brred
set -l yellow C0A36E yellow
set -l green 76946A green
set -l purple 957FB8 magenta
set -l cyan 7AA89F cyan
set -l pink D27E99 brmagenta

# Syntax Highlighting Colors
set -g fish_color_normal $foreground
set -g fish_color_command $cyan
set -g fish_color_keyword $pink
set -g fish_color_quote $yellow
set -g fish_color_redirection $foreground
set -g fish_color_end $orange
set -g fish_color_error $red
set -g fish_color_param $purple
set -g fish_color_comment $comment
set -g fish_color_selection --background=$selection
set -g fish_color_search_match --background=$selection
set -g fish_color_operator $green
set -g fish_color_escape $pink
set -g fish_color_autosuggestion $comment

# Completion Pager Colors
set -g fish_pager_color_progress $comment
set -g fish_pager_color_prefix $cyan
set -g fish_pager_color_completion $foreground
set -g fish_pager_color_description $comment

The color theme im using is the kanagawa theme for neovim, the colors are taken from the fish specific colors file.

Clone the file from this repo directly

You can also clone the file from this repo to have the aliases and functions automatically loaded when you open a new terminal:

# Navigate to the fish folder
cd ~/.config/fish

# Download the file
curl -O

10. Installing Neovim

Step 1: Install Neovim
brew install nvim

After installing, you can verify that neovim is installed and working by running:

nvim --version

Make sure to have a Nerd Font installed (see the previous step), otherwise you will not be able to use the icons in the plugins that support them.

Step 2: LazyVim requirements

C compiler 🔥

LazyVim requires a C compiler for treesitter, treesiter will check whether the following compilers are in %PATH%:

M.compilers = { vim.fn.getenv('CC'), "cc", "gcc", "clang", "cl", "zig" }

Im going with gcc, but i find zig works well too:

brew install gcc

Telescope 🔥

You need to install ripgrep and fd for Telescope to work properly. If fd is not installed, you wont be able to live grep, and if ripgrep is not installed, you will either not be able to search for files or (in my case) experience weird behaviour where all ignored files are tracked (node_modules, .git files, etc):

brew install ripgrep

and for fd:

brew install fd

LazyGit 🔥

LazyGit is a terminal UI for git, very handy to use instead of the default git commands. You need to install it manually:

brew install lazygit

If you are having issues with lazygit GUI not showing when inside neovim (leader gg), ive found that closing neovim and running lazygit in the terminal fixes it the next time you open neovim.

Also, if you are having issues when pushing to SSH remotes using lazygit, you can ensure that Git (and lazygit as well) use the Windows ssh.exe executable by running:

git config --global core.sshCommand "C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\ssh.exe"

Clipboard 🔥

Ive found that WSL does not support clipboard access out of the box, so you wont be able to use the clipboard with neovim unless you install xclip or xsel:

sudo apt install xclip

Node/nvm 🔥

To install all the LSPs for neovim, through mason, we need to install node (and npm) first.

You can install nvm first, to manage node versions:

curl -o- | bash

For nvm to work with fish, we are using instead of the default, here is the repo.


we need to install fisher first to use

brew install fisher

Now we can install

fisher install jorgebucaran/

After installing it, we need to add the following to your ~/.config/fish/, for some default settings, this is not mandatory:

# NVM setup (
set -gx nvm_default_version "lts"
set -gx nvm_mirror ""
set -gx nvm_default_packages "npm" "pnpm" "yarn"

These will do the following:

  • Set the default version to the latest LTS version
  • Set the download mirror to the official Node.js mirror
  • Install the default packages, whenever you install a new node version: npm, pnpm and yarn (select more if you want) usefull commands:

# List available Node.js versions
nvm list

# Install the latest LTS version
nvm install lts

# Install a specific version
nvm install 22.11.0  # Example version

# Switch to a specific version
nvm use lts

# Set a default version
nvm alias default 22.11.0

# Use the latest LTS version
nvm use lts


homebrew installs the latest node version, use nvm to install a stable version:

nvm install lts

Additionally, after installing node, you need to install the neovim npm package globally for the node provider to work:

npm install -g neovim

Installing it:

  • Won't modify your existing Neovim installation
  • Won't change any of your configurations
  • Only adds support for Node.js-based features in Neovim

The package just provides the necessary bindings for Neovim to interact with Node.js.

Issues with node and WSL 🔥


If you are having issues with npm lagging and your shell getting frozen, it may be due to:

  • Some conflict with your WSL2 and your windows node installation.
  • Some issue with windows dynamic DNS settings.

To fix it, you can try the following:

1. Windows DNS

I found this fix on reddit, here is the post.

The fix involves running this in your terminal:

sudo rm /etc/resolv.conf
sudo bash -c 'echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf'
sudo bash -c 'echo "[network]" > /etc/wsl.conf'
sudo bash -c 'echo "generateResolvConf = false" >> /etc/wsl.conf'
sudo chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf

Here's a quick explanation of what each command does:

  • sudo rm /etc/resolv.conf: Removes the existing DNS resolver config file. This file tells Linux which DNS servers to use to resolve domain names.

  • sudo bash -c 'echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf': Creates a new resolv.conf file and sets the DNS server to Google's public DNS server at This is a temporary change.

  • sudo bash -c 'echo "[network]" > /etc/wsl.conf': Creates/overwrites the WSL configuration file, and starts the section for network settings.

  • sudo bash -c 'echo "generateResolvConf = false" >> /etc/wsl.conf': Sets the WSL configuration to not automatically generate a custom resolv.conf file. This prevents windows from overwriting the WSL2 network settings.

  • sudo chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf: Makes the resolv.conf file immutable, preventing it from being modified by non-root users. This ensures the DNS setting stays fixed.

After running these commands, run with admin privileges:

wsl --shutdown

2. Node Path First, we need to check if the node path in your WSL instance's PATH variable is not pointed to your windows node installation:

echo $PATH

You can look for node/nvm in the $PATH using grep, to make sure where its pointed:

echo $PATH | grep node

If it is, add this to your ~/.config/fish/ file to remove it from the path:

# Remove Windows Node.js paths from PATH
set -x PATH (string split : "$PATH" | string match -v "*scoop/apps/nvm*" | string join :)

# Ensure is loaded
if not test -d $HOME/.local/share/nvm
    nvm install lts
    nvm use lts

This will remove the windows node path from the path, and ensure nvm is loaded (with, and initialize the lts node version (in this example, you can pick any specific version if you want).


The in this repo already has these lines.

After sourcing your file, you can test if it worked by running:

which node

And make sure it points to a WSL path, by default should set it inside your ~/.local/share/nvm folder.

Step 3: Install LazyVim

Clone the starter:

git clone ~/.config/nvim

Remove the .git folder, so you can add it to your own repo later:

rm -rf ~/.config/nvim/.git
Step 4: LazyVim configuration

Clone the repo:

git clone ~/.config_

Copy the nvim folder contents to your ~/.config folder:

cp -r ~/.config_/.config/nvim/* ~/.config/nvim/

Remove the temporary folder:

rm -rf ~/.config_

If you are using the windows terminal, to enable transparent background, ive included the xiyaowong/transparent.nvim plugin in the plugins folder, to activate it, you need to run (in neovim) the command:


Launch nvim and let LazyVim install the plugins and dependencies.


11. Setup GitHub and Clone a Repository into WSL Using SSH

Add your GitHub credentials
git config --global "your_username"
git config --global "[email protected]"
Set Up SSH Key

First, generate an SSH key, using your (the one you used for git config on the previous step):

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "[email protected]"

Or if your system does not support Ed25519:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "[email protected]"

Press Enter to accept the default file location and name, and then enter a secure passphrase when prompted.

Locate Your Keys

After running the command, you should find your SSH keys in the ~/.ssh directory, example with default name:

  • Private key: ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
  • Public key: ~/.ssh/
Add SSH keys to your GitHub account

Copy the SSH key to your clipboard:

cat ~/.ssh/

Add your SSH key to your GitHub account, then test the connection:

The first time you run this command, it will prompt you for the passphrase after selecting "yes".

Add the SSH Key to the SSH Agent:

You can use the ssh-agent to manage your keys more easily (recommended).

For fish

Add the following to your ~/.config/fish/ file:

# Start SSH agent and add key
if not ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep ssh-agent > /dev/null
    eval (ssh-agent -c)

if test -f ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
    ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 2>/dev/null
else if test -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa
    ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa 2>/dev/null

This code will:

  • Check if ssh-agent is already running
  • If not, start it and set the environment variables
  • Try to add your ED25519 key first (preferred), falling back to RSA if ED25519 isn't found
  • Suppress any error messages if the key is already added

After adding this, restart your terminal or source your config file:

exec fish


The first time you open a terminal each session, it will prompt you for the passphrase.

For bash/zsh

You can also add this to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc file to automatically add the key to the agent. Note: remember to source your .bashrc/.zshrc file after adding it.

eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
For windows

If you are using powershell, open a new terminal with admin privileges and add the key to the ssh-agent:

ssh-add "path\to\the\keys\.ssh\id_rsa"

or, if they are located in your home directory:

ssh-add $HOME\.ssh\id_rsa

You can add the following to your user_profile.ps1 ($PROFILE) file to automatically start the ssh-agent and add the key to the agent when you open a new terminal:

# Start ssh-agent if not already running
if ((Get-Service -Name ssh-agent).Status -ne 'Running') {
    Start-Service ssh-agent

# Add the key only if it's not already loaded
ssh-add -l | Out-Null
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
    ssh-add $HOME\.ssh\id_rsa  # Adjust path if necessary

The first time you open a terminal on each session, it will prompt you for the passphrase.

Line endings

If you navigate to an existing local project via WSL, you should be able to commit changes directly to the remote repository, since Git tracks the repository settings (like the remote URL) within the .git folder in your project directory

However, if when you run git status, Git is interpreting file changes due to different line-ending formats between Windows (CRLF) and WSL/Linux (LF), this can cause files to appear modified even if you haven't actually changed them. You can configure Git to handle line endings consistently across environments:

git config --global core.autocrlf false
Clone a Private Repository (example)
git clone [email protected]:username/private-repo.git

Replace username and private-repo with your GitHub username and the repository name.

Check project remote (and change from HTTPS to SSH)

If you cloned the repository using HTTPS, you can change it to SSH:

git remote -v
git remote set-url origin [email protected]:username/repo-name.git

12. Access WSL Files from Windows

WSL files can be accessed using a special path. Example of opening a file in Neovim:

nvim \\wsl$\Ubuntu-24.04\home\your-username\file.txt

Replace Ubuntu-24.04 and your-username with your actual distribution name and username.

13. Set Up a Shortcut for Easy Access

Access WSL from PowerShell

Add the following alias to your PowerShell profile ($PROFILE):

Set-Alias wslhome "cd \\wsl$\Ubuntu-24.04\home\your-username"
Access WSL from Bash

Add this alias to your ~/.bashrc file in WSL:

alias wslhome='cd /mnt/c/Users/YourWindowsUsername'

14. Set Up WSL2 to Support GPU and Verify

If you are working with GPU acceleration, for ML.

Install the Latest GPU Drivers
Install CUDA Toolkit (for NVIDIA GPUs)
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install cuda
Verify GPU Support

15. Python Tools Im using in WSL

UV: python package/project manager

From their page, uv is an extremely fast python package and project manager, written in Rust.

brew install uv

To enable shell autocompletion for uvx, add this to

uvx --generate-shell-completion fish | source

Anaconda is alright, but uv is faster and lighter, you can use it to replace pip, pip-tools, poetry, etc.

One really cool feature of uv is that you can use it to install python versions, and create and switch between environments:

uv python install

For a specific version:

uv python install 3.12

For multiple versions:

uv python install 3.12 3.11 3.10

Once Python is installed, uv commands will use it automatically.

To view all python available versions:

uv python list

Another cool feature is that you dont need to explicitly install a python interpreter, uv will install the latest version automatically when you run a command that requires it:

uv venv

In this example, uv will install the latest python version and create a virtual environment with it.

For more info on how to set-up a python project with uv, go to the docs.


UV venv activation alias

I've added a function to activate a uv venv without changing directory, for any CLI apps i may have, ive included it in the file on this repo:

# Function to activate Python uv venv without changing directory
function activate-venv
   if test -n "$argv[1]"
       set -l venv_path "$HOME/projects/$argv[1]/.venv/bin/"
       if test -f $venv_path
           source $venv_path
           echo "Virtual environment not found at: $venv_path"
           echo "Make sure the project exists and has a virtual environment"
       echo "Please provide a project name"

I include all my projects in the ~/projects folder, so i can activate their virtual environments with the activate-venv function and make use of their CLI tools from anywhere.


From their site. Direnv is a tool that automatically sets environment variables for your shell when you navigate to a project directory. It's useful for managing virtual environments, Python versions, etc.


Direnv + UV

I like to use it to activate my uv environments and running the uv sync command to sync dependencies. Since uv is so fast, its not a problem running uv sync every time i navigate to a project.

I got the idea from this blogpost.

To install direnv (we are using homebrew):

brew install direnv

We then need to add the direnv hook to our fish config, add the following to your ~/.config/fish/ file:

direnv hook fish | source

For direnv to work, we need to create a .envrc file in the root of the project we want to manage, this file can be used to set environment variables, python versions, etc.


Direnv permissions

Direnv will not load, and in my case not allow me to create, the .envrc file if it does not have the correct permissions, after creating it, on a project basis, you need to run the following command to make the .envrc file executable:

direnv allow

Run this from the root of the project, before, and after creating the .envrc file.


In my case i like to use the following .envrc file to activate my uv environments and run the uv sync command to sync dependencies:

#Sync dependencies
uv sync

#Activate the project environment
source .venv/bin/activate

16. Install Anaconda/Miniconda on WSL and Verify


I recommend/strongly favor using UV instead of anaconda.

If you need anaconda instead of UV or poetry, perhaps due to issues with CUDA/pytorch, etc. You can install anaconda as an alternative:

Download Miniconda/Anaconda


wget{version here} -O ~/


wget{version here} -O ~/

Make sure to check for specific versions on the anaconda website.

Install miniconda/anaconda:
bash ~/

Once installed, you need to initialize:

~/anaconda3/bin/conda init

This command modifies your shell startup file (e.g., ~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc) to include Conda in your PATH. Make sure to restart your terminal or manually source the configuration:

source ~/.bashrc

To verify Conda installation:

conda --version

17. LLM tools: Avante.nvim

Avante.nvim is a Neovim plugin designed to emulate the behaviour of the Cursor AI IDE. Basically, integrate your nvim with LLMs.


For avante to work you will need API keys for any of the supported LLM providers, additionally you can add your own providers, local or otherwise.

I have included a custom configuration for avante that makes use of a local qwen2.5-coder model that im serving locally with LM Studio.


To include any local model as a valid provider, follow the documentation here.

With lazyvim, you basically need to include the local model into the vendors section of the avante config as a custom provider that points to the local model, including a parse_curl_args and parse_response_data functions, here is my configuration for this model:

return {
  opts = {
    provider = "local-qwen",
    vendors = {
      ---@type AvanteProvider
      ["local-qwen"] = {
        ["local"] = true,
        endpoint = "http://" .. os.getenv("WINDOWS_LOCALHOST") .. ":1235/v1",
        model = "qwen2.5-coder-14b-instruct",
        api_key_name = "",
        timeout = 30000,
        temperature = 0.7,
        max_tokens = -1,
        ---@type fun(opts: AvanteProvider, code_opts: AvantePromptOptions): AvanteCurlOutput
        parse_curl_args = function(opts, code_opts)
          return {
            url = opts.endpoint .. "/chat/completions",
            headers = {
              ["Accept"] = "application/json",
              ["Content-Type"] = "application/json",
            body = {
              model = opts.model,
              messages = require("avante.providers").openai.parse_messages(code_opts),
              max_tokens = opts.max_tokens,
              temperature = opts.temperature,
              stream = true,
        ---@type fun(data_stream: string, event_state: string, opts: ResponseParser): nil
        parse_response_data = function(data_stream, event_state, opts)
          require("avante.providers").openai.parse_response(data_stream, event_state, opts)


In this particular case, qwen2.5-coder-14b-instruct is an openai compatible model, so i can use the openai parse functions, if your model is not openai compatible, you will need to implement your own parse_curl_args and parse_response_data functions.


Since im serving the model locally with LM Studio on Windows, but running the avante client on WSL, I have created a global env variable WINDOWS_LOCALHOST on my ~/.config/fish/ file that points to the local ip of the machine serving the model (example on the file with a fake ip):

set -gx WINDOWS_LOCALHOST 999.999.9.999


You might encounter an issue where curl is unable to write to the default runtime location, in that case you can set the XDG_RUNTIME_DIR environment variable to a custom location, i have created a global env variable for this on my ~/.config/fish/ file:

set -gx XDG_RUNTIME_DIR /tmp/runtime-$USER
chmod 700 $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR

Dotfiles references

Here is the complete list of references ive used for setting up my dotfiles, all amazing guides and channels, in order of relevance:

Description Video
Nvim, fish shell setup with lazyVim by GentlemanProgramming
Various configurations, themes, tools, and more
Nvim setup with lazy by Devaslife
LazyVim config, keymaps, telescope, theme setup and other general configurations
Fzf: fuzzy finder for zsh by typecraft Video
Powershell setup by Devaslife
oh-my-posh, nvim, nodejs, terminal-icons install and initial configurations
Zero to IDE with lazyVim by Elijah Manor Video
Oh-my-posh for powershell intro by HolaMundo Video

Vim motions i use (some)


Wrote this up when i was practicing the motions to help me remember them. Some of them are vscode only, as i started first learning motions in vscode and later transitioned to neovim.


Vertical motions

Motion Description
hjkl: j // k Move down/up
{ // } Go up/down a block of code
ctrl-d // ctrl-u Go down/up half a page
G // gg Go to the bottom/to the top of the file
zz Centers the cursor at the middle of the screen
/{word} Search for {word} then press enter and jump through all matches with n (down) or shift-n (up)
?{word} Search for {word} backwards, then press enter and invert the search done with /
{*} while highlighting a word "Saves" the highlighted word, then press n or shift-n to jump through all matches (up/down)
:{number} Moves the cursor to line {number}


Horizontal motions

Motion Description
hjkl: h // l to move left/right
w / b moves to the beginning of the next/previous word
e moves the cursor to the end of the next word
E moves the cursor to the next non-alphanumeric character (commas, parenthesis, etc)
f+{character} takes you to that character inside a line (included)
t+{character} takes you to that character inside a line (not included)
; // , after f/t+{character} jump forward/backwards between the selected {character}
0 takes you to the beginning of the line
$ takes you to the end of the line



Motion Description
d delete, also copys to clipboard
c change, deletes and moves to insert mode
dd delete line
cc change line, deletes it and moves to inser mode
shift + d delete line from cursor
shift + c delete line from cursor and enter insert mode
y copy to clipboard
yy copy (yank) line to clipboard
p paste. If we have a complete line on the clipboard, paste line below the cursor
shift-p paste. If we have a complete line on the clipboard, paste line above the cursor
u undo last
ctrl+r redo last
o adds a newline below and moves to insert mode
O adds a newline above and moves to insert mode
i moves into insert mode, back of the cursor
a moves into insert mode, front of the cursor
shift + i sends you to the beginning of the line and puts you into insert mode
shift + a sends you to the end of the line and puts you into insert mode
~ changes upper/lower to lower/upper case
. redo last command
v move to visual mode, can select code with movement
shift + v move to visual mode, can select lines with movement
ctrl + v block visual mode, to select blocks


My navigation commands and keymaps

Commands can be combined with motion to have enhanced effects:

Motion Description
leader+q Close editor/file
leader+w Save file
leader+x Save file and close it
leader+v Split screen vertically
leader+h Split screen horizontally
leader+c On visual mode, comment line
tab // shift-tab Tab navigation
ctrl-d // ctrl+u Combined with zz to move down/up and center view
ctrl+shift+n While on the editor, open new vscode project
tab // shift-tab [insert or visual mode] Indent line, if you combine with movement you can indent blocks


File tree (vscode)

Motion Description
ctrl-e Open/close file tree
jk Move down/up inside the file tree
h Close folder (if opened)
l Open file or folder
n Create new file inside current location on the tree
ctrl-n Create and open new file
ctrl+shift+n Create new folder inside current location on the tree



Motion Description
ctrl+j Open/close console
ctrl+shift+j Open new console
ctrl+shift+q Terminate console
ctrl+shift+(a/b) Move up/down between running consoles



Motion Description
leader+a Add file to the harpoon editor list
leader+e Open harpoon editor filelist, editable
leader+i (number) Open the ith editor previously stored


Some tricks (motions)

Motion Description
d-i-W Delete all words until hitting whitespace on both sides (right and left), applies for all commands (c, v, d)
d-i-q Delete all contents inside quotes, applies for all commands (c, v, d)
dii Delete all contents at indentation level, applies for all commands (c, v, d)
ctrl-d and ctrl-u Changed settings to add zz to each command, this centers the cursor and so the code "travels" up and down with the cursor always fixed at the center of the screen. Best way to move vertically
shift-i Select a number of lines with visual mode, then press shift-i to trigger insert mode on all of them
% Standing on a character, sends the cursor to the same type of character, works well with visualmode to select code between {[]}


Some combos

Motion Description
d + t + {character} Delete line up to {character}
c + t + {character} Delete up to {character} and go into insert mode
press * then :%s//new_word+enter Replace all occurrences with new_word
shift + V + select lines + tab/shift+tab Indents a block of code
ctrl + shift + v Open markdown server

Resources (motions)

Description Video
Vim motions intro by The Primeagen
Introduction to basic Vim motions
Vim motions - horizontal by the Primeagen
Learn horizontal movement in Vim
Vim motions - vertical by the Primeagen
Master vertical navigation in Vim
Vim motions for vscode by MelkeyDev
settings.json and keybinds.json files for vscode
Vim Tutorial by Ben Awad
Comprehensive Vim tutorial


My personal dotfiles: nvim, powershell and vscode







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