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Zero-dependency ROS-like middleware for Python

This library is intended to be used for small projects that require a simple middleware for communication between processes. It is not intended to be a replacement for ROS.

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Why ZeroROS?

See these discussions in ROS Discourse and this one in reddit/ROS.


Use pip to install the library:

pip install zeroros


The library is composed of three main classes: Publisher, Subscriber and MessageBroker.


The MessageBroker class is used to create a message broker that can be used by publishers and subscribers to communicate with each other.

from zeroros import MessageBroker

broker = MessageBroker()


The Publisher class is used to publish messages to a topic. The constructor takes two arguments: the topic name and the message type. The topic name is a string, while the message type is a Python class. The message type is used to serialize and deserialize messages.

from zeroros import Publisher

pub = Publisher("topic_name", String)
pub.publish("Hello world!")


The Subscriber class is used to subscribe to a topic and receive messages. The constructor takes two arguments: the topic name and the message type. The topic name is a string, while the message type is a Python class. The message type is used to serialize and deserialize messages.

import time
from zeroros import Subscriber

def callback(msg):

sub = Subscriber("topic_name", String, callback)
while True:
    # Do something else

# Stop the subscriber


The library comes with a few built-in messages that can be used out of the box. The following messages are available:

  • std_msgs.String
  • std_msgs.Int
  • std_msgs.Float
  • std_msgs.Bool
  • std_msgs.Header
  • geometry_msgs.Vector3
  • geometry_msgs.Vector3Stamped
  • geometry_msgs.Twist
  • geometry_msgs.Quaternion
  • geometry_msgs.Pose
  • geometry_msgs.PoseStamped
  • geometry_msgs.PoseWithCovariance
  • geometry_msgs.TwistWithCovariance
  • nav_msgs.Odometry
  • nav_msgs.Path
  • sensors_msgs.LaserScan
  • More to come...