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This is the artifact corresponding to the SOSP'23 paper "Grove: a Separation-Logic Library for Verifying Distributed Systems".

There are two parts:

  1. several distributed systems components written in Go as well as a performance evaluation of the key-value service GroveKV;
  2. the Grove verification library and mechanized proofs for the distributed systems components, including a proof that GroveKV is a crash-safe, linearizable KV system.

The two parts (1) reproduce the performance evaluation results from section 6 and (2) check the mechanized proofs and that they correspond to the top-level theorems described in section 4.4.

These parts live in their own git repos, both included here as git submodules:

  • the gokv repo and submodule contains the Go implementations of the distributed systems components as well as scripts for the performance evaluation of GroveKV.
  • the perennial repo contains the Grove separation logic library and the specs+proofs of the code in the gokv repo.

Set up machines

This artifact, specifically the performance evaluation, is primarily meant to be run on CloudLab. Here's how to set up the CloudLab environment. Go to the CloudLab dashboard. Go to "Experiments -> Start Experiment". In step 1, select the "small-lan" profile via the "Change Profile" button. In step 2, enter the following three options:

  Number of Nodes: 8
  Select OS image: UBUNTU 20.04
  Optional physical node type: d430

Then follow steps 3 and 4 as directed by the webpage.

Get a shell on node4 via ssh. On node4, run git clone to download a copy of the artifact to ~/grove-artifact. Then run

cd grove-artifact
git submodule update --init --recursive

to download the other repos.

Running outside CloudLab

The proof part can be done on any machine, so long as the right version of Coq is installed, as explained in the "Proofs" section.

The performance evaluation scripts in gokv/simplepb/bench are tailored for CloudLab, and are only a starting point for running this eval on other hardware setups, with some scripts being reusable and others needing changes. The scripts assume that there are 8 nodes with the same numbers of CPUs/cores as d430 machines, which can connect via ssh to each other with the names node0, ..., node7. The script assumes that the machines are running Ubuntu 20.04 and installs various packages (e.g. Go and python). The scripts should be adaptable to non-CloudLab setups if the nodes are running Ubuntu or otherwise have the same packages installed. As a last note, only experiment needs 8 machines (some for running clients), while the other experiments can work with 5 machines.


Here are the steps for building/checking the proofs, including all of the "top-level theorems" from 4.4 in the paper.

  1. [~15mins] ./
    This installs Coq 8.17.0. Alternatively, if you have Coq 8.17 installed on your machine (installation instructions), you can follow the rest of the steps on your machine.
  2. cd perennial
  3. [~30mins]
    make -j`nproc` src/program_proof/simplepb/apps/print_assumptions.vo The top-level proof file src/program_proof/simplepb/apps/print_assumptions.v, and this command builds it and all of its dependencies; this transitively covers all the Grove proofs. Building this file will print all the axioms that the proof depends on, and if there were any incomplete parts of the proof, the Print Assumptions command in the file would show them. At the end, you should only see some standard Coq axioms that you can ignore (called sig_forall_dec and functional_extensionality_dep).

You can also confirm that the Go code is in sync with its formal model in Coq. Install the Goose tool with go get Then, in the perennial directory, run ./etc/ --compile --gokv ../gokv. In the script, you can see the list of the GroveKV packages in lines 252-264, mostly contained under simplepb. You can try changing a line of code in the gokv directory, and rerunning the command and you should see a line change in perennial/external directory, and the existing proof for that component will likely no longer work.

Reading the top-level theorems

Let's go through the list from section 4.4:

  1. The main function is crash idempotent. The Go function is func kv_replica_main in gokv/simplepb/apps/closed/mains.go. The proof of crash idempotence is Lemma wpr_kv_replica_main in perennial/src/program_proof/simplepb/apps/closed_proof.v. More precisely, this theorem says: given ownership of the resources listed in lines 86-90, it is safe to run kv_replica_main(fname, me), and restart if it stops running due to the machine crashing.

  2. It is always safe to Reconfigure. The Go function is func EnterNewConfig in gokv/simplepb/admin/admin.go. The proof for it is Lemma wp_Reconfig in perennial/src/program_proof/simplepb/admin_proof.v. This is a Hoare triple, written in Coq as {{{ precondition }}} code {{{ postcondition }}}. This theorem has a precondition labelled "#Hhost", which says that the servers passed into it must be valid primary/backup servers.

  3. MakeClerk correct initializes a clerk. The Go function is func MakeClerk in gokv/simplepb/apps/kvee/clerk.go. The proof for it is Lemma wp_MakeClerk in perennial/src/program_proof/simplepb/apps/kvee_proof.v. This theorem says: so long as confHost is indeed the config server for a GroveKV system, calling MakeClerk results in ownership as postcondition.

  4. clerk.Put and clerk.Get behave like a linearizable key-value map. The Go functions are Put and Get in gokv/simplepb/apps/kvee/clerk.go. The proof for them is Lemma wp_Clerk__Put and Lemma wp_Clerk__Get in perennial/src/program_proof/simplepb/apps/kvee_proof.v. The theorems are written in terms of a kv_ptsto ("key-value points-to") ghost resource. The parameter γkv identifies a particular instance of GroveKV, since there could be two separate copies running. The angle brackets <<< and >>> are notation for a "logically atomic" spec, which is an encoding of linearizability in separation logic. As a first reading, one can ignore the angle brackets and treat their contents as pre and postconditions.

Finally, check that all of the theorems listed above are included in the print_assumptions.v file, so building it checks all of them.

Performance experiments

The performance experiments are designed to run on CloudLab, using the profile linked above. The performance evaluatoin covers Figures 6, 7, 8 from the paper.

The times in bold preceding the steps approximate how long the step should take for all the commands to finish. The active human time is entering in the few commands directly listed here, so the overall evaluation should require little active human time.

[1 min] From your a machine which is able to ssh to all of the cloudlab nodes (e.g. your laptop), run ./ to set up SSH between the nodes. You will have to modify to include the list of hostnames for the CloudLab machines you have access to, and provide your username in lines 9 and 10.

Get a shell on to node4 of the CloudLab setup; the rest of the steps are to be run on node4. Make sure grove-artifact has been cloned in the home directory on node4 (see the "Set up machines" section).

[15mins] Run cd ~/grove-artifact/gokv/simplepb/bench then run the script ./ This will do a one-time setup of all the machines, such as downloading Go and building the GroveKV benchmark program. Ignore the last line of output about running make test; that's output from building redis.

[3mins] Let's test that the evaluation is actually set up. To start, disconnect from node4 and reconnect over ssh; the script adds stuff to the shell environment, and reconnecting will reliably make those changes take effect. Next, we can run a relatively quick performance experiment. The data for this will appear in ~/gokv/simplepb/bench/data/reconfig/, so make sure the directory is empty to begin with (or doesn't exist). To run the experiment run

cd ~/gokv/simplepb/ 
python -m bench.experiments.e2 -v

(still on node4). At the end, there should see be data in the ./bench/data/reconfig/, specifically two files reads.dat and writes.dat. These files get imported in the final figure in ~/gokv/simplepb/bench/figure/.

[A few hours] Now, to run the full performance evaluation run the commands

cd ~/gokv/simplepb/bench 

You may want to run these commands after running screen -S artifact to start a long-running screen session. If your SSH connection gets interrupted the experiments will keep running, you can reconnect to that session with screen -r.

After getting this running, it may be helpful to read the notes about how the experiments work. Corresponding to the three figures, there are 3 experiments. The three experiment scripts (,, referenced by contain notes at the top that describe each experiment. The notes also say where the raw data ends up, so you can delete those directories to make sure you get a fresh run of an experiment.

[1min] To build the figure, run

cd ~/gokv/simplepb/bench/figure
pdflatex p.tex

This outputs p.pdf, which you can download. Compare the figure of p.pdf with the corresponding figures in the paper.


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