This is an SDK to communicate with the ICON blockchain, built for Go.
Disclaimer: I cannot guarantee optimal performance of this software. It is provided as is and without any assurances. Use it at your own risk.
- Wallet management
- Read data from the blockchain
- Send ICX transactions
- Perform SCORE calls
- Transaction builder
To run tests, ensure you have Go installed and run:
go test
import (
iconservice := iconsdk.NewIconService(nil)
res, err := iconservice.GetBalance("<address>")
if err != nil {
// In case you want to initalize IconService on a testnet
iconServiceUrl := ""
iconservice := iconsdk.NewIconService(&iconServiceUrl)
// Creating or loading a wallet
wallet := iconsdk.NewWallet(nil)
privateKey := "01234..."
wallet := iconsdk.NewWallet(&privateKey)
// IRC2
irc2 = iconsdk.NewIRC2("cx123...", *iconservice)