Releases: mjaakko/NeoStumbler
Releases · mjaakko/NeoStumbler
- Updated dependencies
- Fixed crash when uploading reports manually on older Android versions
- Fixed crash when starting scanning on older Android versions
- Added warning about MLS shutting down
- Added support for using custom endpoints where to send data
- Also possible to use an API key
- Support for scanning cells with dual SIM
- Changed statistics chart to begin from 0
- Updated dependencies
- Reports are no longer sent automatically
- This has to be enabled in the settings
- Minor usability improvements
- Statistics screen which shows the amount of unique networks and devices detected over time
- Updated target SDK version to 34
- Fixed a crash when uploading a report with a position that had infinite values (#27)
- Decreased the amount of fraction digits in the exported data
- New feature: export scan data as a .zip
- New feature: reupload scan data
- Fixed bugs
- Updated dependencies
- Disabled empty map popups
- Fixed some bugs
- Updated dependencies