Releases: mjaakko/NeoStumbler
Releases · mjaakko/NeoStumbler
- Map labels are now localized when possible (currently only OpenFreeMap supports this)
- Added support for adding a custom TileJSON layer to the map (e.g. for BeaconDB coverage map) - thanks @sim6!
- Added Tamil translation
- This is slightly incomplete, but should be usable
- Added traditional Chinese translation
- Updates to other translations
- Map screen now uses MapLibre GL instead of OsmDroid
- Added support for vector based map tile sources (OpenFreeMap and VersaTiles)
- Changed the hexagon resolution to scale with map zoom level instead of having three fixed resolutions
- Scanning interval is now adjusted dynamically based on the speed the device is moving
- Distance between scans can be customized in the settings
- Note that the selected distance should only be considered to be advisory - in practice scans are done more often if not moving at a constant speed
- Changed location interval to 3 seconds
- Distance between scans can be customized in the settings
- Fixed cell tower scanning on some older devices which do not include MNC in the cell tower data
- Other minor miscellaneous fixes and UI/UX improvements
- Added Russian translation
- Added Lithuanian translation
- Added Polish translation
- Updates to other translations
Thanks for everyone updating the translations! ❤️
The APK size has increased significantly due to the native libraries used by MapLibre GL
For the full
variant, you can download an architecture-specific APK. The universal APK includes native libraries for all architectures
- Changed location interval to 3 seconds
- Locations are buffered by up to 10 seconds before creating reports
- Links on the reports list use primary color from the active theme
- Other minor fixes and improvements
As of this version, the full variant is built with support for split APKs. You can either use the APK specific for your device's architecture or the universal APK which includes native code for all supported architectures.
- Added Polish translation
- Changed minimum cell scan interval to 5 seconds
- Added check for cell timestamp to avoid creating reports with duplicate cell tower data
- Added workaround for cases where cell tower data doesn't have mobile network code available
- Added gradient fill to the statistics charts
- Fixed map crashing in some cases
- Fixed map not loading data in some cases
- Hexagons on the map now change resolution depending on the map zoom level (instead of three fixed resolutions)
- Slider values are reset to the default if the dialog is closed without saving
- Scan interval is now adjusted dynamically based on the speed the device is moving
- The target distance between scans can be customized in the settings
- Replaced OsmDroid with MapLibre
- Added support for using vector tiles on the map
- Currently supported sources: OpenFreeMap and VersaTiles
- Minor UI / UX improvements
Note: the APK size has increased significantly due to the native libraries used by MapLibre
- Added Lithuanian translation
- Added Russian translation
- Updates to other translations
- Added support for importing raw database from a file
- Improved UI on the statistics screen
- Added Dutch translation
- Added Italian translation
- Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation
- Updated Czech translation
- Updated German translation
- Updated French translation
- Updated Chinese translation
Thanks for everyone updating the translations!
- Reports are sent in batches of 2000 to avoid creating too large request payloads
- More detailed error message is shown if sending reports fails
- Fixed Ichnaea compatibility by not encoding null values
- Added flag to keep the screen on when on the map tab
- Updated dependencies
- Updated French translation
- Air pressure data is added to reports on devices with pressure sensors
- Troubleshooting UI for fixing common issues in scanning
- Ability to configure when to delete old reports from the DB
- UI for managing storage space
- Ability to export the raw database file
- Added app version dialog to the settings
- Support for Material You dynamic colors
- Cronet is used as HTTP client (full variant only)
- Miscellaneous fixes and UI/UX improvements
- Updated dependencies
- Updated target SDK to 35 (Android 15)
- Added simplified Chinese translation