This playbook configures are RHEL server to receive its updates from RHN or a Satellite 6 server. It registers against Satellite or RHN with orgid and activationkey or username and password
To use this role you need a proper Red Hat subscription. If you are a developer you can obtain your personal free subscription from here by registering as developer
You can then set the following variables in the playbook:
satellite_server: FQDN
Set the following variables if you want to register with activationkey and orgid:
Use the following variables to register with your RHN username and password. You should use ansible-vault or tower to encrypt your credentials.
The following are optional:
reg_server_insecure: defaults to no
reg_autosubscribe: defaults to unset
reg_osrelease: default unset, can set to 7Server, 7.2, 7.3 etc
reg_server_proxy_hostname: HTTP proxy hostname
reg_server_proxy_port: HTTP proxy port
reg_server_proxy_user: user for HTTP proxy with basic authentication
reg_server_proxy_password: password for HTTP proxy with basic authentication
Set this variable to true if you want to remove/disable all previously existing repositories. The default is false
repo_reset: true
Use this to define the list of repositories you want to subscribe to
- rhel-7-server-rpms
- repo2
- repo3
The default is set to rhel-{{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}-server-rpms
which is resolved to e.g. rhel-7-server-rpms
or rhel-6-server-rpms
, depending on the RHEL major release.
Here is an example playbook that registers a server against Red Hat Network (satellite_server is not defined) with the activationkey myregistration
and the organization id 123456
. The release is locked down to RHEL 7.4, all previously defined repositories are removed and the system will rhel-7-server-e4s-rpms
and rhel-sap-hana-for-rhel-7-server-e4s-rpms
. (For SAP see also
- hosts: servers
remote_user: root
# satellite_server: FQDN
# Option 1
reg_activation_key: myregistration
reg_organization_id: 123456
# Option 2:
# reg_pool:
# reg_pool_ids:
# reg_username:
# reg_password:
# The following are optional
reg_server_insecure: yes
#reg_autosubscribe: yes
reg_osrelease: 7.4
# Set this variable to true if you want to remove/disable all previously existing repositories. The default is false
repo_reset: true
- rhel-7-server-e4s-rpms
- rhel-sap-hana-for-rhel-7-server-e4s-rpms
- { role: mk-ansible-roles.subscribe-rhn }
Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004
Markus Koch
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