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PowerShell DSC Resource to Install / Uninstall Windows Desktop Applications.


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PowerShell DSC Resource to Install / Uninstall Windows Desktop Applications.


You can install the resource from PowerShell Gallery.

Install-Module -Name DSCR_Application


  • cApplication DSC Resource to Install / Uninstall Windows Desktop Applications. It is easier to use and more flexible compared to the built-in "Package" resource.


There are many properties, but most are optional. You can use this resource simply or flexibly. Please see the "Examples" section below.


  • [string] Ensure (Write):

    • Specifies whether or not the application should be installed or not.
    • The default value is Present. { Present | Absent }.
  • [string] Name (key):

    • The name of the application that should be installed or uninstalled. You can confirm an accurate name of the application from "Programs and Features" in the control panel.
  • [bool] Fuzzy (Write):

    • If specified this property as $true, you can use regular expressions in the Name property.
    • The default value is $false.
    • ⚠️ Be careful that the RegExp matches only one application.
  • [string] ProductId (Write):

    • The GUID of the application.
    • This is the optional parameter. If this property is specified, the Name property will be ignored.
  • [string] Version (Write):

    • Indicates the expected version string of the application.
    • When the property not specified, This resource simply tests whether the application is installed or not. But when specified, This also tests the installed version is match the expected one.
  • [bool] UseSemVer (Write):

    • If specified this property as $true, you can use a node-semver like range syntax for testing the version of the application.
    • Please see the usage examples.
    • The default value is $false.
    • If the Version property is not specified, this property will be ignored.
  • [string] InstalledCheckFilePath (Write):

    • The file path of the application should be created.
    • If this property is specified, This resource judge whether the application is installed or not by whether the path exists or not.
  • [string] InstalledCheckScript (Write):

    • You can specify the PowerShell commands or ScriptBlock that for test whether the application is installed or not.
    • ScriptBlock should return $true or $false
  • [string] InstallerPath (Required):

    • The path to the installer or uninstaller file.
    • You can use Local file / UNC / http / https / ftp . (if specified http/https/ftp. the file will be downloaded to temp dir before installation)
  • [PSCredential] Credential (Write):

    • The credential for access to the installer on a remote source if needed.
    • ⚠️ If you want to run the installation as specific user, you need to use PsDscRunAsCredential standard property.
  • [UInt32] ProcessTimeout (Write):

    • The timeout seconds of installation process.
    • The default value is 2147483. (0 to 2147483)
  • [UInt32] DownloadTimeout (Write):

    • The timeout seconds of download the installer from http/https/ftp.
    • The default value is 900. (0 is infinite)
  • [string] FileHash (Write):

    • The expected hash value of the installer file at the given path.
    • This is the optional parameter. Hash will be tested only when the param specified.
  • [string] HashAlgorithm (Write):

    • The algorithm used to generate the given hash value.
    • The default value is SHA256 { SHA1 | SHA256 | SHA384 | SHA512 | MD5 | RIPEMD160 }
  • [string] Arguments (Write):

    • The arguments to be passed to the installer during installation if needed.
  • [string] ArgumentsForUninstall (Write):

    • The arguments to be passed to the uninstaller during uninstallation if needed.
  • [string] WorkingDirectory (Write):

    • Sets the working directory for the process to be started.
  • [bool] UseUninstallString (Write):

    • If specified this property as $true, This resource will use the standard uninstall method that is registered in the registry value of "UninstallString" to uninstall programs.
    • The default value is $false.
    • If specified as $true, InstallerPath and ArgumentsForUninstall will be ignored.
  • [UInt32[]] ReturnCode (Write):

    • Indicates the expected return code. If the return code does not match the expected value, the configuration will return an error.
    • The default value is (0, 1641, 3010).
  • [bool] NoRestart (Write):

    • When this property as $true, This resource does not set RebootNodeIfNeeded to $true even if the system requires a reboot after installation.
    • The default value is $false.
  • [string] PreAction (Write):

    • You can specify the PowerShell commands or ScriptBlock that will execute before installation or uninstallation.
  • [string] PostAction (Write):

    • You can specify the PowerShell commands or ScriptBlock that will execute after installation or uninstallation.
  • [string] PreCopyFrom (Write):

    • You can copy extra files before installation or uninstallation.
    • Copied files will delete automatically after installation finished.
  • [string] PreCopyTo (Write):

    • The path of the directory which the file specified by PreCopyFrom is saved.
  • [string] LogLevel (Write):

    • Specifies the level of logging output to the Verbose stream.
    • The default value is All { None | Minimal | Moderate | All }


  • Example 1: Install Visual Studio Code [Simple scenario]
Configuration Example1
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName DSCR_Application
    cApplication VSCode
        Name = 'Microsoft Visual Studio Code'
        InstallerPath = 'C:\VSCodeSetup-1.12.2.exe'
        Arguments = '/verysilent /mergeTasks="!runCode"'
  • Example 2: Install Latest version of Flash Player Plugin [Advanced scenario]
Configuration Example2
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName DSCR_Application
    cApplication FlashPlayer
        Name = 'Adobe Flash Player \d+ NPAPI'   # You can use RegExp when Fuzzy=$true
        Fuzzy = $true
        # Download installer from internet.
        InstallerPath = ""
        Arguments = '-install'
  • Example 3: Install Firefox v53.0.3 to the custom directory [Complex scenario]
Configuration Example3
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName DSCR_Application
    cApplication Firefox53
        Name = 'Mozilla Firefox [\.\d]+ \(x64 en-US\)' # Use RegExp
        Fuzzy = $true
        Version = '53.0.3'
        InstallerPath = '\\FileServer\Installer\Firefox Setup 53.0.3.exe'
        Credential = $Cred  # Credential for FileServer
        Arguments = '/INI=C:\config.ini'
        PreAction = {
                "[Install]`r`nInstallDirectoryPath=`"C:\Firefox\`"" | Out-File C:\config.ini -Encoding Ascii
            }   # Create config.ini before installation
        PostAction = 'del C:\config.ini -Force' # Remove config.ini after installation
  • Example 4: Install the Microsoft Edge only if the machine don't have it or the version is less than 80.0. [How to use USeSemVer option]
Configuration Example4
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName DSCR_Application
    cApplication MSEdge80+
        Name = 'Microsoft Edge'
        Version = '>=80.0'  # This range expression indicates that version 80.0 or higher is desirable
        UseSemVer = $true
        InstallerPath = 'C:\MicrosoftEdgeEnterpriseX64.msi'
        Arguments = '/qn'



  • Improve log messages.


  • Add LogLevel property.


  • TimeoutSec property is changed to DownloadTimeout.
  • Add ProcessTimeout property.
  • Return 1460 instead of an error when process timeout occurs.


  • Improved the behavior when downloading files from network that behind of a proxy.



  • Fixed: Error occurred after installation if the URL of a MSI installer is specified.


  • Fixed: Test-TargetResource fails if there is an app that has some wildcard chars. #8
  • Avoid positional parameters. #10


  • Enable TLS 1.2 when the file download from web. (only if it has not enabled)


  • Revert the changes "Changed to stop processing if multiple applications matching the search criteria." in 3.0.0. This changes happens an application error in some scenarios.


  • Add WorkingDirectory property.
  • Changed to stop processing if multiple applications matching the search criteria.


  • Improve error handling.


  • Faster file download with http/https/ftp
  • Fixed an issue that the error occurred when a FTP URL is specified to InstallerPath.


  • Fixed an issue that timeout error may occurred unexpectedly during installation.


  • Correct the default value of UseUninstallString property to $false.
  • Add a sample configuration for uninstall.
  • Fix examples in the README.


  • Fix PSSA issues.
  • Remove unnecessary files in the published data.


  • Improve error handling
  • Add InstalledCheckScript property #4


  • Fix issue that An error may occur in an environment with only one installed application. #3


  • Add InstalledCheckFilePath property
  • Fix issue that some applications are judged as not installed even if it is installed.


  • Fix failure of file download when InstallerPath is not a direct link #1


PowerShell DSC Resource to Install / Uninstall Windows Desktop Applications.







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