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A minimal example of a lightweight webapp in OCaml.

It features a possible organization of files to maximize code sharing between server (native OCaml) and client (BuckleScript). Some of the things shared are:

  • React components, which are server-side rendered with Tyxml and hydrated with ReasonReact
  • Routes, through the OCaml library Routes.
  • API endpoints interface types, through library ATD, that also generates encoders / decoders automatically.

Potentially, shared folder can contain other shared code like validation functions, data processing, etc.

Getting started

Development requirements

  • Install watchexec to make sure the server restarts when source-code change.
  • Install direnv to load enviroment variables for each project from .envrc.
  • Install opam, our package-manager.
make dev
  • Create an opam local switch
  • Installs dune & ocaml-lsp-server
  • Installs dependencies

Install all dependencies:

make install

Build client:

# build tailwindcss styles
yarn styles
yarn webpack:dev

Build and run the server:

# Make sure you run `direnv allow .` inside the directory (you would only need to do it once)
make run

Watch the filesystem and re-run the server

# Make sure you have watchexec installed
make watch

Open the browser and go to http://localhost:3000/.

It's also possible to get hot reloading while developing. For that, start the server (to be able to serve API requests) with make run, run BuckleScript in yarn start and then start Webpack dev server with yarn server.

Set up database locally

docker-compose -f up -d

Open localhost:8080 in the browser, login with [email protected] and secret.

In pgadmin, go to "Create server". Enter local as name, and in the Connection tab, enter:

  • pgsql-server as "Host name / address"
  • user admin
  • password secret

Then, right click in local, "Create" -> "Database", and create a new database with name async_app.

Finally, make migrate.

Deploying to Heroku

Right now, the example allows to easily deploy the app to Heroku. Build times are longer than they should, but hopefully this will be fixed soon.

Initial configuration

  • Install the Heroku CLI:
  • Run heroku create your_app from the app folder
  • Set stack for the app to container: heroku stack:set container
  • Provision the Postgres addon in the free hobby-dev plan: heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev

Now, for review apps there is no need to provision the addon or seed the database, as this is done from the app.json file. But for the production database, it will be needed.

To do so:

  • Start the sql command line tool with heroku pg:psql
  • Manually run the create table statements shown in in the Postgres interactive terminal.

Regular deploys

To deploy the app after changes, just run git push heroku master.
