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Daniel Shiffman edited this page Dec 11, 2024 · 4 revisions

The testing will follow a speed "round robin" format. The class will be divided into two groups and we'll do two rounds. For each round half the students will set up on a laptop in the class room and the other half will "view" or "interact with" or "listen to" your project for ~5-7 minutes. We'll rotate so that all "testers" will try each project and provide feedback.

This can mean something different for each project. If you are not sure how to design your testing, e-mail me and we'll discuss. The "rule" that we will try to adhere to is no explaining of the project until after the user has viewed/interacted.


  • Setup and Preparation

Group A Presenters: 12:40-1:40

  • Clarissa, Claire, Noah, Kaitlyn, Khushi, Tamara, Alina, Luna

Group B Presenters: 2:00 - 3:00pm

  • Patrik, Sophia, Eva, Yaashna, Christina, Ava, Leah, Robert


  • Course Evaluations