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Repository of datasets (chemometrics and others) in various formats (JLD2, etc.)

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The Julia package JchemoData is a repository containing datasets (chemometrics and others) in various formats (JLD2, CSV, etc.). Some of these datasets are used in the examples provided in Jchemo.jl and JchemoDemo.

The JLD2 datasets are listed and described below.


In order to install JchemoData, run

pkg> add


A JLD2 dataset can be loaded as follows (in REPL):

using Jchemo, JchemoData
using JLD2
path_jdat = dirname(dirname(pathof(JchemoData)))
db = joinpath(path_jdat, "data/cassav.jld2") 
@load db dat
pnames(dat) # print the names of the objects contained in dat

Available datasets

Description of the JLD2 datasets


NIRS data on cassava roots (2009-2013; South-America). FOSS NiRSystem Instruments 400-2498 nm (step = 2 nm). This is an extract of the dataset used in Lesnoff et al. 2020.

Response variable:

  • TBC concentration (beta-carotene pigment).

Source: Harvest Plus Challenge Program, ICRAF, Columbia.


  • Davrieux, F., Dufour, D., Dardenne, P., Belalcazar, J., Pizarro, M., Luna, J., Londoño, L., Jaramillo, A., Sanchez, T., Morante, N., Calle, F., Becerra Lopez-Lavalle, L., Ceballos, H., 2016. LOCAL regression algorithm improves near infrared spectroscopy predictions when the target constituent evolves in breeding populations. Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy 24, 109.

  • Lesnoff, M., Metz, M., Roger, J.-M., 2020. Comparison of locally weighted PLS strategies for regression and discrimination on agronomic NIR data. Journal of Chemometrics n/a, e3209.


NIRS data (protein content of forages and feed) used in the challenge of the congress Chemometrics2018 (Paris, January 2018). The original data contain errors (duplicates). The data provided in JchemoData have been corrected (duplicates have been removed), and documented with new descriptors (type of vegetal materials).


NIRS data (reflectance) used in the challenge of the e-congress Chemometrics2021 (Februaru 2021). A data description is available here.


Eigenvector Corn data

This data set consists of 80 samples of corn measured on 3 different NIR spectrometers. The wavelength range is 1100-2498nm at 2 nm intervals (700 channels). The moisture, oil, protein and starch values for each of the samples is also included. A number of NBS glass standards were also measured on each instrument. The data was originally taken at Cargill.

  • m5spec: [80x700 dataset] Spectra on instrument m5
  • mp5spec: [80x700 dataset] Spectra on instrument mp5
  • mp6spec: [80x700 dataset] Spectra on instrument mp6
  • propvals: [80x4 dataset] Property values for samples
  • m5nbs: [3x700 dataset] NBS glass stds on m5
  • mp5nbs: [4x700 dataset] NBS glass stds on mp5
  • mp6nbs: [4x700 dataset] NBS glass stds on mp


NIRS data on dried and grounded mixed forages (n = 485): stems, leaves etc. Origin: mainly tropical African areas. FOSS NiRSystem Instruments 1100-2498 nm (step = 2 nm). Data being private, spectra have been preprocessed with a standard normal variation (SNV) and Savitzky-Golay (deriv = 2) transformation.

Response variables:

  • DM: dry matter content
  • NDF: fibers content
  • typ: Type of forage

Source: CIRAD, Selmet research unit


Varieties of wine grapes, to be discriminated by means of NIR and visible spectrometry. The spectra were measured in transmission on berries separated from the bunch, in laboratory conditions, with a ZEISS MMS1 spectrometer. The wavelengths ranged from 310 to 1100 nm. These data were collected within the framework of a project aiming at characterizing the sugar content and the acidity of wine grapes by NIR spectrometry. Thus, the berries were selected to span a great heterogeneity of maturity. Spectra were acquired by batches of 50 individuals. Each batch contained individuals of the same variety. The experimentation related to 3 varieties: carignan (crg), grenache blanc (grb) and grenache noir (grn). Only crg and grb varieties were measured on different batches, at various dates. For crg and grb varieties, the training set and the test set are different batches, whereas for the grn variety, a batch of spectra was cut randomly in two equal parts. Thus, the calibration and test sets consisted each of n = 125 individuals described by p = 256 variables.


  • Roger JM, Palagos B, Guillaume S, Bellon-Maurel V. Discriminating from highly multivariate data by Focal Eigen Function discriminant analysis; application to NIR spectra. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems. 2005;79(1):31-41. doi:10.1016/j.chemolab.2005.03.006.


Sensory evaluation of eight American dry-cured ham products, performed by a panel of trained assessors.


  • M.D. Guardia, A.P. Aguiar, A. Claret, J. Arnau & L. Guerrero (2010). Sensory characterization of dry-cured ham using free-choice profiling. Food Quality and Preference, 21(1), 148-155. doi: 10.1016/j.foodqual.2009.08.014

  • Tchandao Mangamana, E., Cariou, V., Vigneau, E., Glèlè Kakaï, R.L., Qannari, E.M., 2019. Unsupervised multiblock data analysis: A unified approach and extensions. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 194, 103856.


Fisher's or Anderson's iris dataset gives the measurements in centimeters of the variables sepal length and width and petal length and width, respectively, for 50 flowers from each of 3 species of iris. The species are Iris setosa, versicolor, and virginica.


  • Fisher, R. A. (1936) The use of multiple measurements in taxonomic problems. Annals of Eugenics, 7, Part II, 179–188.

  • Anderson, Edgar (1935). The irises of the Gaspe Peninsula, Bulletin of the American Iris Society, 59, 2–5.

  • Becker, R. A., Chambers, J. M. and Wilks, A. R. (1988) The New S Language. Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole. (has iris3 as iris.)


Linnerud data (Tenenhaus 1998, Table 1, p.15).

Two tables of measures on 20 humans:

  • X = 3 variables of physical exercice.
  • Y = 3 variables of body condition.


  • Tenenhaus, M., 1998. La régression PLS: théorie et pratique. Editions Technip, Paris.


NIRS data from mango.


  • Anderson, N.T., Walsh, K.B., Flynn, J.R., Walsh, J.P., 2021. Achieving robustness across season, location and cultivar for a NIRS model for intact mango fruit dry matter content. II. Local PLS and nonlinear models. Postharvest Biology and Technology 171, 111358.

  • Anderson, N.T., Walsh, K.B., Subedi, P.P., Hayes, C.H., 2020. Achieving robustness across season, location and cultivar for a NIRS model for intact mango fruit dry matter content. Postharvest Biology and Technology 168, 111202.


This is an extraction (20%; ntrain = 12000, ntest = 2000) of the CSV version of the MNIST dabase of handwritten digits (LeCun et al.).

Each row of matrices X represents to a 28*28 image representing a number between '0' and '9' (labels to predict), with grey levels between 0 and 255.

The JLD2 dataset is compressed; it requires package CodecZlib to be loaded.



Octane dataset contains near infrared absorbance spectra (NIR) of n=39 gasoline samples over 226 wavelengths ranging from 1102 nm to 1552 nm with measurements every two nanometers. For each of the 39 production gasoline samples the octane number was measured.

Six of the samples (25, 26, and 36-39) contain added alcohol.


  • M. Hubert, P. J. Rousseeuw, K. Vanden Branden (2005), ROBPCA: a new approach to robust principal components analysis, Technometrics, 47, 64–79.

  • P. J. Rousseeuw, M. Debruyne, S. Engelen and M. Hubert (2006), Robustness and Outlier Detection in Chemometrics, Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry, 36(3–4), 221–242.


Ozone dataset. A data frame with 366 observations on 13 variables, each observation is one day:

  1. Month: 1 = January, ..., 12 = December
  2. Day of month
  3. Day of week: 1 = Monday, ..., 7 = Sunday
  4. Daily maximum one-hour-average ozone reading
  5. 500 millibar pressure height (m) measured at Vandenberg AFB
  6. Wind speed (mph) at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX)
  7. Humidity (%) at LAX
  8. Temperature (degrees F) measured at Sandburg, CA
  9. Temperature (degrees F) measured at El Monte, CA
  10. Inversion base height (feet) at LAX
  11. Pressure gradient (mm Hg) from LAX to Daggett, CA
  12. Inversion base temperature (degrees F) at LAX
  13. Visibility (miles) measured at LAX

The problem is to predict the daily maximum one-hour-average ozone reading (variable 4).


  • Leo Breiman, Department of Statistics, UC Berkeley. Data used in Breiman L., Friedman J.H. (1985). Estimating optimal transformations for multiple regression and correlation, JASA, 80, pp. 580-598.


Data for small round blue cell tumors (SRBCT) of childhood. These data, consisting of expression measurements on 2,308 genes, were obtained from glass-slide cDNA microarrays, prepared according to the standard National Human Genome Research Institute protocol. Each expression value is a log-ratio log(R/G). R is the amount of gene-specific RNA in the target sample that hybridizes to a particular (gene-specific) spot on the microarray, and G is the corresponding amount of RNA from a reference sample. The tumors are classified as Burkitt lymphoma (BL), Ewing sarcoma (EWS), neuroblastoma (NB), or rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS).

A total of 63 training samples and 25 test samples were provided, although five of the latter were not SRBCTs. One gene per row, one sample per column. Cancer classes are labelled 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 for c("BL", "EWS", "NB", "RMS", "Not Srbct"). Class 5 is only present in the test data.



NIRS data recorded on a Tecator Infratec Food and Feed Analyzer working in the wavelength range 850 - 1050 nm by the Near Infrared Transmission (NIT) principle. Each sample contains finely chopped pure meat with different moisture, fat and protein contents. For each meat sample the data consists of a 100 channel spectrum of absorbances and the contents of moisture (water), fat and protein. The absorbance is -log10 of the transmittance measured by the spectrometer. The three contents, measured in percent, are determined by analytic chemistry.

A full description is given here.

Warning: The original X-data contains 22 duplicates, and the Y-data 15 replicates. These replicates were removed in the present JLD2 dataset.


Dataset 3 used in Cui & Fearn 2018.

Wheat kernels (ntrain = 415) representing 43 different varieties or variety mixtures from two different locations in Denmark made up the calibration set, while wheat kernels (ntest = 108) representing 11 different varieties from one location made up the test set10. All kernels were randomly chosen from bulk samples. The test samples were acquired with the calibration samples, but stored for about 2 additional months before measurement in order to provide a check for temporal drift in the samples and instrumentation.


  • Cui C, Fearn T, 2018. Modern prcatical convolutionnal neural networks for multivariate regression: application to NIR calibration. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 182, 9-20.

  • Dorthe Kjær Pedersen, Harald Martens, Jesper Pram Nielsen and Søren Balling Engelsen. 2002. Near infrared absorption and scattering separated by Extended Inverted Signal Correction (EISC). Analysis of NIT spectra of single wheat seeds. Applied Spectroscopy, submitted.

  • Jesper Pram Nielsen, Dorthe Kjær Pedersen and Lars Munck. 2002. Development of non-destructive screening methods for single kernel characterisation of wheat. Cereal Chemistry, submitted.


Matthieu Lesnoff

[email protected]


Repository of datasets (chemometrics and others) in various formats (JLD2, etc.)







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