A mobile application that takes inputs such as symptoms and tests from doctors. It uses a neural network to determine the best course of action. This app continuously learns and hopefully be able to determine the likely hood of a patient having ovarian cancer.
Please read ALL of the following documentation before you try to run the app. If you have any issues let me know with a screenshot and I can try to help you.
Start by cloning the repository:
git clone https://github.com/mmont429/OvarianCancerApp
Switch to the App directory:
cd ovariancancerapp/app
If you don't have expo you will need to download the cli globally
npm install expo-cli --global
Start the app
expo start
You may be asked to download some dependencies which you can do with:
npm install expo-cli
or yarn add ...
You must install amplify globally
npm i -g @aws-amplify/cli
and then locally
npm install --save aws-amplify aws-amplify-react-native
to run the login portion of the code.
When in doubt, if an unknown error occurs, you can try to
expo r -c
(expo r
is just a shortcut to expo start
and -c
clears the cache)