Visual Studio 2015 project, source code and documentation
The purpose of this VS2015 project is to provide a simple starter project structure for creating `TypeScript + Cordova + Angular2 beta' apps.
Once the repository is downloaded, open the cordova-angular2.sln
to start building apps. All files will automatically download when opened in VS2015 or when the app is published.
Debug > Android > Ripple is the easiest way to check if everything is working.
Here's what your build will look like:
Click the image above to view the app in action.
Adding the following
- Add E2E testing framework using protractor
- Add Unit testing frameworks Karma
- Add Test Runner Jasmine
- Add CI server Travis-CLI
- Add Mock Cordova GPS functionality
- Update folder structure to support Travis CI
- Add taco-cli to allow non-VS2015 teams to work together
Install the Apache Cordova feature during the VS2015 initital installation or add the feature to VS2015 by using Add or Remove Programs > select Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015 ... > Change > modify
Link to download
Add the Apache Cordova feature by selecting Cross Platform Mobile Development > HTML/JavaScript (Apache Cordova)
Add the following extensions using Tools > Extensions and updates ....
. They really help the workflow!
Teams with Mac's and PC's may find using the TACO CLI easier. More information about TACO CLI
Cloud based version of Visual Studio. You can learn more on the website.
The config.xml contains the setting for the Corodova app. It’s also know as the configuration designer. Double click the file in Solution Explorer
or right click > View Code
Most of the information is straight forward. Here are some notes:
- Update the Common > package name. Best practice: Package name should be domain name in reverse. io.github.dbiele
Update Security for Cordova
Cordova Security: Add external domains to config.xml Domain Access
Make sure access origin = *
Or remove * and add the names of the domains. https://* and https://* This is used for the index.html script tags
Update to specific versions of Cordova CLI using config.xml. Enter the version number into the text field. When the file is saved, the files are downloaded. You can get the latest version from this URL:
Alternatively you can Npm install –g cordova –s However, config.xml will always override.
I would recommend adding the following plugins:
- Crosswalk
Add Cordova CrossWalk plugin. Config.xml > plugins > Crosswalk Webview. Note, if there’s a problem installing the apk to the device, delete the previous installs on the device.
- Cordova-plugin-whitelist
Add the “cordova-plugin-whitelist” to dependencies in config.xml. Whitelist is a core cordova plugin. Or use NPM to download the files and install locally.
- Other Popular Plugins
- Cordova-plugin-console
- Cordova-plugin-device
- Cordova-plugin-inappbrowser
- Cordova-plugin-dialogs
- Cordova-plugin-splashscreen
- Cordova-plugin-statusbar
Again, this is pretty straightforward.
DisplayName: Use the DisplayName attribute to display a package name to users.
Package Name: Describes the contents of the package. A string between 3 and 50 characters in length that consists of alpha-numeric, period, and dash characters.
Change the Window Target Version to Windows 10.0. Debugging windows phone 8 requires Visual Studio 2013 installed.
Version Code: The value is an integer so that other applications can programmatically evaluate it, for example to check an upgrade or downgrade relationship. You can set the value to any integer you want, however you should make sure that each successive release of your application uses a greater value. More Information: Version Numbering:
Minimum SDK Version: Update Minimum SDK Version to 14. This is because we’ll use cordova-android 4.1.0 or greater.
Maximum SDK Version: An integer designating the maximum API Level on which the application is designed to run. If the application's maxSdkVersion attribute is lower than the API Level used by the system itself, then the system will not allow the application to be installed. Future versions of Android (beyond Android 2.0.1) will no longer check or enforce the maxSdkVersion attribute during installation or re-validation. Only used by the google store.
Target SDK: An integer designating the API Level that the application targets. If not set, the default value equals that given to minSdkVersion
Target Device Set the target device to universal. Setting to a specific device to run application on a specific device or emulator
Target iOS Version: •iOS SDK 7.0 or later
// TODO: Need more informationi
Web Storage Backups: Default is good. Local saves data to NSLibraryDirectory or NSDocumentDirectory and will persist after a backup restore of device. Set to cloud to allow web storage data to backup via iCloud. Set to local to allow only local backups via iTunes sync. Set to none prevent web storage backups.
Download typescript for Visual Studio 2015 Click the details button to reveal a list of all version. Download the appropriate version
Note: Installing the TypeScript CLI does not upgrade Visual Studio 2015 version of TypeScript.
C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft SDKs\\TypeScript\\1.5\\tsc
npm install -g typescript
npm install -g typescript@next
tsc –version
where tsc
Check if you have all the SDK’s by clicking Tools > Options > Tools for Apache Cordova > Cordova Tools > Run Dependency Checker
Java JDK is installed and using 64bit version. Ie C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_60
Tools > Options > Tools for Apache Cordova
- Versions on Cordova can be updated independently. For example, update Cordova-Android to latest version. Instructions on how to do it. add to config.xml <engine name="android" spec="4.1.0" /> Use these instructions to install globally If the project is published, before updating the config.xml then you’ll need to use the command prompt to upgrade the cordova-android version. Use this: `cordova platform remove android` Latest Releases:
Confirm taco.json has been updated with the latest version of cordova set in config.xml. Taco is used for IOS building and the remote agent uses the CLI version defined in the taco.json.
Confirm scripts/tsconfig.json exists in scripts folder
Compile with system. Make sure "module": "system" is set in tsconfig.json file.
{ "compilerOptions": { "noImplicitAny": false, "noEmitOnError": true, "removeComments": false, "sourceMap": true, "target": "es5", "module": "system", "moduleResolution": "node", "emitDecoratorMetadata": true, "experimentalDecorators": true, "outDir": "../www/scripts/" }, "filesGlob": [ "scripts//*.ts", "scripts/typings//*.d.ts" ] }
Exclude is another option. However, if exclude is used you must not use “files” object.
"exclude": \[
Make sure to show all files in the solution explorer.
Add Keystores for Windows release builds.
Update build.json to include keystore for releasing to device. Publishing in release mode requires build.json to include keystore.
Create a keystore and save it locally. Information on how to create keystore
Update build.json to include keystore information.
Note: If errors occur, this may be due to previous version of app on device. Delete app on device and rebuild.
In this example I'm using TSD, but Typings seems to be an alternative solution that overcomes d.ts conflicts.
Install TSD and configure TSD to manage d.ts files. This only needs to be done once.
npm install tsd –g
Open the command prompt/powershell at the scripts folder and Install system d.ts file using tsd.
tsd install systemjs –s
configure TSD to install files in proper location
Move the tsd.json file to the root of the project
Change the “path” and “bundle” in tsd.json to point to new folder scripts/typings
Create TSD task in gulp – see creating tsd gulp task.
Reinstall d.ts files by running gulp task
Note: When adding new d.ts files with tsd, make sure to open powershell or command line in the same folder as tsd.json.
Delete d.ts files by removing the element from tsd.json and then run tsd reinstall --clean
Add to package.json DevDependencies
Add the following to gulpfile.js:
gulp.task('tslint', function () {
// Built-in rules are at
var tslintConfig = {
"rules": {
"semicolon": true,
"requireReturnType": true,
"requireParameterType": true,
"jsdoc-format": true,
"quotemark": \[true, "single"\],
"variable-name": \[true,"allow-leading-underscore"\]
return gulp.src(\['scripts/\*\*/\*.ts', '!scripts/typings/\*\*'\])
//Custom rules can be added to configuration. rulesDirectory: 'folder/folder'
.pipe(tslint({ configuration: tslintConfig }))
.pipe('verbose', { emitError: true, reportLimit: 0 }));
Add to package.json devDependencies
Add the following to gulpfile.js
require('es6-promise').polyfill(); gulp.task('build.css.sass', function () { gulp.src('./MANAGEMENT/md/scripts/components/materials/components/**/*.scss') // Guilp-Sass runs the pre processor on the .scss files using Sass. // Gulp-AutoPrefixer post processes the .css files using PostCSS. // CSS and Folder structure is saved to destination folder. .pipe(sass().on('error', sass.logError)) .pipe(prefixer({ browsers: ['last 2 versions'], cascade: false })) .pipe(gulp.dest('./MANAGEMENT/md/www/css'));
gulp.task(**'install.tsd'**, function (callback) {
command: 'reinstall',
config: './MANAGEMENT/md/tsd.json'
}, callback);
var browserSync = require('browser-sync');
gulp.task(**'browser.sync'**, function () {
server: {
Update www/index.html
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<!--Use the latest engine to render the page and execute JavaScript.-->
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1" />
<!--Defines the expiration date and time of the web document-->
<meta http-equiv="expires" content="wed, 7 Oct 2015 01:00:00 GMT" />
<!--Initial-scale property controls the zoom level when the page is first loaded.-->
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" />
<!--Used as a way to identify mobile websites.-->
<meta name="HandheldFriendly" content="true">
<!--If content is set to yes, the web application runs in full-screen mode.-->
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">
<!--If content is set to yes, the web application runs in full-screen mode.-->
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black">
<!--Improved highlighting on linked text and images for Windows Phone 8.1-->
<meta name="msapplication-tap-highlight" content="no">
<!--telephone numbers in the HTML content will NOT appear as hypertext links-->
<meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no">
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="images/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon"/>
The following code needs to be added index.html to allow for the CDN’s, Frameworks and JavaScript to work correctly. This is a security issue.
Customize the content security policy in the meta tag below as needed. Add 'unsafe-inline' to default-src to enable inline JavaScript.
For details, see
More information about Cordova's content security policy:
Additional Information:
* gap: is required only on iOS (when using UIWebView) and is needed for JS->native communication
* is required only on Android and is needed for TalkBack to function properly
* Disables use of inline scripts in order to mitigate risk of XSS vulnerabilities. To change this:
* Enable inline JS: add 'unsafe-inline' to default-src
<!--<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'self' data: gap: 'unsafe-eval' 'unsafe-inline'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; media-src *">-->
<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src https: 'self' * data: gap: 'unsafe-eval' 'unsafe-inline' ws://localhost:*; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval' 'unsafe-inline' https://* https://*; media-src *">
- Move the cordova.js and platformOverrides.js from the body to the head.
<!-- Cordova reference, this is added to your app when it's built. -->
<script src="cordova.js"></script>
<!-- platform overrides includes system-polyfills for mobile. platformOverrides.js is located in ./merges folder -->
<script src="scripts/platformOverrides.js"></script>
- Remove the <script src="scripts/appBundle.js"></script> . We’ll use systemJS’s system.import to load .js files.
Install systemJS as an NPM package. Open packge.json and add the following:
Saving package.json will automatically download the files to the node_modules folder.
- Locate systemjs in the node_modules folder. Each NPM package is structured different by the publisher and it’s important to know where the necessary files are located.
- Create a folder in the www/scripts folder for where the system .js files will be pasted.. You can organize this however you like. I suggest using a lib folder and then add a folder for each package. www/scripts/lib/systemjs/
- Copy systemjs distribution files to the www folder.
Update index.html to link to the system.js files in www.
<script src="scripts/lib/systemjs/system.src.js"></script>
Note that I am using system.src.js since it reports more verbose errors. You can use system.js as well.
Rather than write the system.config inline in the index.html, create a config.js (shift + F2
) and place in www\scripts. Add the following code.
baseURL: "./scripts",
defaultJSExtensions: true,
transpiler: "none",
You can also add inline script tag in index.html
The baseURL is the folder that’s referenced as the root/base of systemjs.
‘index’ is the name of the js file that needs to load. Because defaultJSExtensions: true is included in config.js, there is no need to include the .js.
You can add system.import in index.html, but I prefer to include it in separate .js file. Better yet, add it to a .ts file and use a script tag in index.html to point to the external .js in the scripts folder
SystemJS doesn't have 100% coverage of comments. So when making comments in code that transpiles to ES5, be aware that comments may introduce problems
Module format detection in SystemJS is not designed to be 100% accurate, it is designed to cater to the majority use case. -- Buy Bedford
Example: The following comments don't work.
// import {enableDebugTools} from 'angular2/platform/browser';
* Used to demonstrate external module is loading and function is called.
However, if I change the comments to use the following comment structure, I don't get an error:
// import {enableDebugTools} from 'angular2/platform/browser';
// Used to demonstrate external module is loading and function is called.
You can remove comments by changing tsconfig.json "removeComments": false,
to "removeComments": true,
Merges are necessary in Cordova when devices need functionality unique to their ecosystem. For example, windows devices need the system polyfill when using systemjs.
Adding systems-polyfill.js for systemjs
Copy the systems-polyfills.js from the jspm\_packages > systemjs
folder and copy to ./MANAGEMENT/md/merges/windows/scripts
Update the code in platformOverrides.js. platformOverrides.js is added to index.html by default. to add the system-polysills.js to the html. It’s important that system-polyfills loads before system.js in the index.html
Edit the merges > windows > scripts > platformOverrrides.js to include system-polyfills.js
(function () {
// Append the safeHTML polyfill
var scriptElem = document.createElement('script');
var scriptElem2 = document.createElement('script');
scriptElem.setAttribute('src', 'scripts/winstore-jscompat.js');
scriptElem2.setAttribute('src', 'scripts/system-polyfills.js');
if (document.body) {
} else {
Create mobiledeviceoverride.js The purpose of mobiledeviceoverride.js was to disable es6-shim.js for mobile devices. This was originally caused by Angular2 pre beta and mobiledeviceoverride.js was used as a work around. Now, mobiledeviceoverride.js simple adds es6-shim to the project. es6-shim is necessary for es5 projects.
//var isMobile = navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|BlackBerry|iPhone|iPad|iPod|Opera Mini|IEMobile/i);
* es6-shim is necessary for all browsers. This was a problem with previous versions on Angular2.
//if (isMobile != null) {
console.log('add es6shim');
var scriptElem = document.createElement('script');
scriptElem.setAttribute('src', 'scripts/lib/es6-shim/es6-shim.js');
if (document.body) {
} else {
Updating index.html
<!-- Add mobile override for es6-shims when using es5 JavaScript. This was a problem with Angular2 in the past and seems to be fixed. -->
<script src="scripts/mobiledeviceoverride.js"></script>
<!-- adding systemjs -->
<script src="scripts/lib/systemjs/dist/system.src.js"></script>
<script src="scripts/config.js"></script>
The 5 min quickstart code was added to this project. You can find the code in scripts/app.ts
and scripts/app/app.components.ts
. Original code
Use NPM to download the latest version of Angular2beta. Simply add "angular2": "2.0.0-beta.0"
to the dependencies of package.json. Saving package.json will automatically download the node_modules.
angular2 d.ts files can now be found in the NPM node_modules folder. There is no need to use TSD to download the files to scripts/typings. Adding "module": "system","moduleResolution": "node"
in tsconfig.json resolves the need to have the d.ts files in ./scripts
<!-- Add Angular2 -->
<script src="scripts/lib/angular2/bundles/angular2-polyfills.js"></script>
<!-- RX filles in the gap since Angular relies on Observables. Observables are native to es2016 -->
<script src="scripts/lib/rxjs/bundles/Rx.js"></script>
<script src="scripts/lib/angular2/bundles/"></script>
Remember to disable the web bounce effect. When scrolling to the bottom of a page, the web view will indicate the bottom by bouncing or flashing.
To stop the effect, use the following in config.xml Android, IOS, Windows:
<preference name="disallowOverscroll" value="true" /> <preference name="webviewbounce" value="false" />
Platforms specific images and icons are places in the res folders.
Update folder Res > images
. Res images contains icons and splash screens for resolution specific devices.
The following windows icons are missing from config.xml. Create new images and place into the default res > icon > windows
Add the following to config.xml
<icon src="res/icons/windows/Square44x44Logo.scale-100.png" width="44" height="44" /> <icon src="res/icons/windows/Square71x71Logo.scale-100.png" width="71" height="71" />
May require ADB to install the package manually. Visual Studio 2015 can sometimes create conflicts with devices. adb install <location of apk file>
List and uninstall APPs on Android device using ADB
Open Command Prompt
CD to the ADB folder
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools
Find the app
adb root
adb shell
pm list packages
Uninstall the app
- Adb uninstall <name of package example io.cordova….>
Problems with inline scripts in Windows store app -- add to the html and it will fix document.write by 3rd party javascript.
Coming soon.
Note: The following changes were made to the original project: :
Add angular2 using NPM and not using TSD to manage d.ts files
Add gulpfile with common tasks
copy the angular bundles and platform folder from node_modules to www/scripts/lib/angular2 folder. Maybe add a build step?
Add the angular code to index.html
Changed tsconfig.json to use filesGlob instead of exclude
Use Cordova CLI 5.3.3. Cordova CLI greater than 5.3.3 seems to cause problems with Emulators.
, "exclude": [ "../node_modules", "../www" ]
Problem running into using Angular2 and Jquery. d.ts files appear to be the problem. -- is a TSD replacement.