Awesome contributing guides for open source development.
- atom An extensive Contributing guide that is particularly good at answering questions by new users before they know enough to ask them. - @RichardLitt
- Docker Docker got everything right. Grats even from a non-addict, this is a very good contrib guide. - @FlorianHeigl
- Pacote This is a pretty awesome example of a contributing file. - @dignifiedquire
- Puppet A very accessible guide. The additional resources list is especially helpful. - @RichardLitt
- Rust Programming Language A very complete contributing guide. - @sirodoht
- donet/corefix A short and concise contributing file. - @jzeferino
The @Contribute-md Template is detailed and cohesive, and should work for most projects.
We All Contribute is a JavaScript CLI tool that can help you create Contribute files according to their guidelines.
GitHub guide here and here are useful. GitHub automatically opens up a banner pointing to a
file. This means that anyone who opens an issue or a pull request will know to check your Contributing guidelines. Newcomers will be the main target - experienced users will have memorized anything in your Contribute, and won't need it to guide them. Because of this, you want to make sure it is as accessible as possible.
MozillaScience's guide goes into depth about what to put into this guide, and is the best guide we've seen for how to write contributing docs in general.
We encourage all contributions to this repository! Open an issue! Or open a Pull Request!
Note: All interaction here should conform to the Code of Conduct.
To the extent possible under law, Richard Littauer has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.