Download and Precache files the easy way.
This plugin is a simple downloader plugin which downloads/precaches files on any mod.
- Compile easydownloader.sp
- Copy easydownloader.smx to your server.
- Configure files to download/precache by editing text files in /config/easydownloader
- Change map on server.
Use file/directory paths relative to gamedir root (so include "sound/", "materials/" etc).
One file/directory path per line in the relevant config file.
Directory paths should NOT end with a separator character ('/')
Directories are downloaded recursively.
Blank lines and comment lines (starting with //) are ignored.
- decals.txt - Uses API function PrecacheDecal. For: .vtf,.vmt
- generics.txt - Uses API function PrecacheGeneric. For: .pcf
- models.txt - Uses API function PrecacheModel. For: .mdl
- sentencefiles.txt - Uses API function PrecacheSentenceFile
- sounds.txt - Uses API function PrecacheSound. For: .mp3, etc
- downloadonly.txt - Downloads only. No precaching. For: .phy,.vvd,.vtx,.vtf,.vmt, etc
Extension whitelisting
You can whitelist certain extensions when using recursive directory downloading.
When using this option, only files with the provided extensions will be downloaded/precached.
Example in models.txt:
//Download all .mdl files from the folder below
Example in downloadsonly.txt:
//Download the other model files required
I decided to write this plugin after SM File/Folder Downloader and Precacher ( stopped working for me.
Huge props to SWAT_88 though, RIP buddy ❤️
Powerlord: CSGO/DOTA Asterisk fake precache method (
Contributions are always welcome! Just make a pull request.
GNU General Public License v3.0