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User Authentication

Ahmed Castro edited this page Oct 21, 2019 · 32 revisions

We authenticate users via a simple email verification flow - which is used to generate OAuth 2 access tokens. A user can manage the tokens they have been issued via their OAuth 2 token page.

Email authentication flow

Authentication occurs by asking for their email and then for the 5-digit security code sent to their email. To do so, first call emailRequest to send the email and then emailExchange to exchange the security code for an access token that will be handled internally by the SDK so you won't need to deal with it.


void Instance::emailRequest(const std::string& email, const std::function<void(const modio::Response&, const std::string&)>& callback)

API endpoint used: Email Request

Requests a 5-digit security code to be sent via email. emailExchange should be called after to complete the authentication process.

Function parameters

Name Type Description
email const std::string& User's email.
callback const std::function<void(const modio::Response&, const std::string&)>& Function called once the process finished.

Callback parameters

Name Type Description
response const modio::Response& modio::Response object that contains the response status.


modio_instance.emailRequest("[email protected]", [&](const modio::Response& response)
  if (response.code == 200)
    //Authentication code successfully requested


void Instance::emailExchange(const std::string& security_code, const std::function<void(const modio::Response&)>& callback)

API endpoint used: Email Exchange

Exchanges the 5-digit code for an authentication token. The token is handled internally by the SDK.

Function parameters

Name Type Description
security_code const std::string& 5-digit code sent to users via email when emailRequest was called.
callback const std::function<void(const modio::Response&)>& Function called once the process finished.

Callback parameters

Name Type Description
response const modio::Response& modio::Response object that contains the response status.


modio_instance.emailExchange("50AD4", [&](const modio::Response& response)
  if (response.code == 200)
    //Email exchanged successfully


void Instance::authenticateViaToken(const std::string &access_token);

Authenticates the user by providing a valid token directly.

Function parameters

Name Type Description
access_token const std::string& user authentication token.




Returns true if the user is logged in, otherwise returns false.

bool Instance::isLoggedIn()


Returns a modio::User object corresponding to the current user logged in.

modio::User Instance::getCurrentUser()


  std::cout << "Logged in as " << modio_instance.getCurrentUser().username << std::endl;
  std::cout << "You are not logged in." << std::endl;    


Logs out the user from

void Instance::logout()


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