- Getting started with SignalR using ASP.NET Core and Angular
- SignalR Group messages with ngrx and Angular
- Using EF Core and SQLite to persist SignalR Group messages in ASP.NET Core
- Securing an Angular SignalR client using JWT tokens with ASP.NET Core and IdentityServer4
- Implementing custom policies in ASP.NET Core using the HttpContext
- Sending Direct Messages using SignalR with ASP.NET core and Angular
- Using Message Pack with ASP.NET Core SignalR
- Uploading and sending image messages with ASP.NET Core SignalR
- Implementing User Management with ASP.NET Core Identity and custom claims
2018-10-30: Added User Admin to STS, custom claims with policies
2018-10-26: Updated Angular 7.0.1, OIDC 7.0.3
2018-10-14: Updated Angular 6.1.10, OIDC 7.0.0, ASP.NET Core SignalR 1.0.4
2018-10-07: Updated to Angular 6.1.9, OIDC 6.0.12, Nuget packages
2018-09-09: Updated Angular 6.1.7, OIDC Angular lib
2018-08-18: Updated .NET Core 2.1.2, Angular 6.1.3, OIDC Angular lib
2018-08-04: Updated .NET Core 2.1.2, Angular 6.1.1
2018-05-31: Updated .NET Core 2.1
2018-05-08: Updated Angular 6.0.3 and npm packages
2018-05-08: Updated .NET Core 2.1 rc1
2018-05-04: Updated Angular 6.0.0, STS to bootstrap 4
2018-04-22: Updated Angular 5.2.10, latest ASP.NET Core SignalR preview2
2018-03-21: Updated Angular 5.2.9, angular-auth-oidc-client 4.1.0
2018-03-15: Updated signalr Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR 1.0.0-preview1-final, Angular 5.2.8, @aspnet/signalr 1.0.0-preview1-update1