A set of rules for PHP_CodeSniffer and PHP-CS-Fixer.
Create your own phpcs.xml
file from this template and adjust it:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <ruleset name="bellevue"> <description>project-specific coding standard</description> <file>Classes</file> <file>eid</file> <exclude-pattern>*/lib/*</exclude-pattern> <rule ref="./vendor/mogic/mogic-phpcs/Mogic/"/> </ruleset>
The repository is mirrored automatically to Github: https://github.com/mogic-le/mogic-phpcs The package is also available on packagist: https://packagist.org/packages/mogic/mogic-phpcs
Now run:
$ composer require --dev mogic/mogic-phpcs:dev-master $ ln -s vendor/mogic/mogic-phpcs/.php-cs-fixer.php .php-cs-fixer.php
Then commit composer.json
and composer.lock
During the build, composer install
needs to be called, which will fetch
the coding standard from git.
To make this work, the build container needs to contain a SSH key that has
read-only access to the coding standards repository.
Example: reos-docker -> web-build
In a project, create a composer.json
{ "name": "customer/projectname", "description": "FIXME", "license": "proprietary", "require-dev": { "mogic/mogic-phpcs": "dev-master" } }
Adjust Makefile
update-phpcs: rm -rf vendor composer install rm -rf vendor/autoload.php vendor/composer/ vendor/mogic/mogic-phpcs/.git/
Now run make update-phpcs
and git commit the vendor/
and composer.lock