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Express + Typescript + Prisma boilerplate

This is an opinionated express + typescript boilerplate. Prisma is being used as an ORM to have the flexibility of switching databases with minimal code change. This repo is created as a template repo so that creating new repo from this template would be easier


My Tech Stack

Tool Description
Node.js A JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine that allows for server-side JavaScript execution
Express A popular web framework for Node.js that provides a variety of features for building web applications
TypeScript A superset of JavaScript that adds optional static typing, classes, and other features to the language
Prisma A database toolkit and ORM that allows for type-safe database access and schema management
ESLint A tool for identifying and reporting on patterns found in ECMAScript/JavaScript code
Prettier A tool for automatically formatting code to enforce consistent style
Husky A tool for running scripts in response to Git events, such as commits or pushes
ts-node-dev A development tool for running TypeScript code with automatic restarts and fast compilation times
Swagger A tool for designing, building, and documenting RESTful APIs
Commitizen A tool for making it easier to follow the conventional commit format for Git commits
Jest A JavaScript testing framework with a focus on simplicity and ease of use
Supertest A library for testing Node.js HTTP servers using a fluent API


✅ Prisma integrated

✅ Swagger for api documentation

✅ Linting and formatting with eslint and prettier

✅ e2e/unit testing with jest and supertest

✅ Commit hooks with husky

✅ Multiple environment support

✅ Advanced logging with winston

✅ env validation

✅ Preconfigured error handlers

✅ Ensures consitent file naming convention

Required Stack

Tool Version
NodeJS >=16
Typescript >=4.9.4

Current Stack

Tool Version
NodeJS 18
Typescript 5


Clone the project

  git clone

Go to the project directory

  cd expressjs-typescript-prisma-boilerplate

Environment setup

Multiple enviroments are supported namely development, test, staging, production as defined in envirornment.enum.ts

  Environments {
    PRODUCTION = 'production',
    DEV = 'development',
    TEST = 'test',
    STAGING = 'staging',

1.Development Environment: Used during the development of the application

2.Test Environment: Used to test the application before it is deployed to production

3.Staging Environment: Used to simulate the production environment as closely as possible. It is used to test the application in a live-like environment before it is deployed to production.

4.Production Environment: This environment is where the application is deployed and accessed by end-users.

Multiple env files are also supported according to each environment as below

  • .env: The default environment file used in all environments, unless a specific custom environment file is present. Contains common configuration variables used across all environments.
  •, .env.test, .env.stage, Custom environment files specific to each environment. Used to customize the configuration of the application for each environment.

Note: Custom environment files have priority over the default .env file. Configuration variables in a specific custom environment file take precedence over the ones in the default .env file.

Run Locally


  make setup

to setup the project or run each steps individually as below

Install dependencies

  npm i

Create env file from .env.example

  cp .env.example .env
  # Add env values to .env file after this

Start app in dev mode

  npm run dev


Following are the list of predefined scripts available in the app

Script Name Description Command
dev Runs app in development mode with ts-node-dev npm run dev
build Builds the app with tsc to dist folder npm run build
start Starts the build npm run start
prod Builds and runs the app in production mode npm run prod
prisma:generate Generates prisma client types npm run prisma:generate
prisma:migrate Runs prisma db migration npm run prisma:migrate
prisma:seed Seeds db npm run prisma:seed
prisma:studio Opens prisma studio npm run prisma:studio
lint Lints the files with eslint npm run lint
lint:fix Lints and fixes files with eslint npm run lint:fix
format Formats files with prettier npm run format
commit Opens commitizen npm run commit
test Runs tests npm run test
test:e2e Runs e2e tests npm run test:e2e
test:integration Runs integration tests npm run test:integration
test:unit Runs unit tests npm run test:unit
clean Cleans autogenerated folders and files npm run clean
clean:build Removes previous build folder npm run clean:build

Apart from this, there are some utitility scripts defined in Makefile

make test: Easier way to run tests

make module: Creates a new folder in modules folder and creates controller, route and service files inside the folder

make env: Creates env file from .env.example with the values provided

Folder structure

├── dist
├── logs
├── prisma
├── public
├── src
└── tests
Folder Description
dist Contains the autogenerated output of the TypeScript compiler (tsc)
logs Contains log files
prisma Used by the Prisma to store database schema definitions, seed data, and other related files.
public Static resources that are publicly accessible
scripts Contains custom scripts, probably bash scripts
src Source folder
tests Containes unit/e2e test files and utitity functions/types used by tests


The source directory contains the following folders

├── config
├── dto
├── enums
├── lib
├── middlewares
├── modules
├── types
└── utils
Folder Description
config Contains configuration files for the whole app and different libraries.
dto Contains Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) which are used to transfer data between different layers of the app.
enums Contains TypeScript enum definitions which can be used throughout the app to ensure type safety and consistency.
lib Contains any external libraries or modules that the app may depend on, as well as any custom utility functions or classes that you have written yourself. This can include things like a custom logger, validation functions, or other commonly used functionality that doesn't fit neatly into any of the other folders.
middlewares Contains middleware functions which can be used to modify requests and responses as they pass through the app.
modules Contains the main modules of the app, each of which can contain submodules, controllers, services, and other components.
types Contains type definitions which can be used throughout the app to ensure type safety and consistency.
utils Contains utility functions or classes that can be used throughout the app for common tasks, such as string manipulation, date formatting, or math calculations. These functions may not fit neatly into any of the other folders, but are still useful components of the app.

Typescript configuration

This repo contains four tsconfig files.

  • tsconfig.json: Contains the base configuration options that apply to all TypeScript files in your project, such as the target ECMAScript version, the module system to use, the paths to the source files and output directories, and various compiler options related to type-checking, strictness, and optimization.

  • This configuration file is intended to be used for building your project for production. It extends the base configuration defined in tsconfig.json, but may override some options to optimize the build process or reduce bundle size. This configuration may also exclude certain files or directories that are not needed in the production build.

  • This configuration file is intended to be used for development purposes. It extends the base configuration defined in tsconfig.json, but may enable additional options or checks that are useful during development, and also contains the configuration for ts-node-dev.

  • tsconfig.eslint.json: This configuration file is intended to be used by Eslint. It may contain TypeScript-specific ESLint rules and configuration options, which may differ from the regular TypeScript configuration. This file may also extend the base TypeScript configuration from tsconfig.json to ensure that the TypeScript code analyzed by ESLint matches the actual compilation output.




MIT License


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