This repository includes the codes for our OMNeT++ Summit 2019 paper (see this link
The paper includes implementations for some data centre protocols in OMNeT++/INET. These implementations are as follows:
(1) FatTree topology
(2) Per-packet and per-flow ECMP
(3) A model of NDP protocol in INET
(4) Evaluating the performance of TCP and NDP in a FatTree topology
(5) A central traffic scheduler for scheduling flows in the simulated network and setting up simulation parameters for experimenting with the above-mentioned contributions.
STEP1: compile omnetpp project:
(1) Open a new terminal and go to the omnetpp-5.2.1 directory
(2) omnetpp-5.2.1$ ./configure
(3) omnetpp-5.2.1$ . setenv
(4) omnetpp-5.2.1$ make cleanall
(5) omnetpp-5.2.1$ make -j4
See this video for the above steps:
STEP2: compile inet and ndp projects:
(1) Go to this directory: omnetpp-5.2.1/my-samples/inet-myprojects/inet
(2) inet$ make makefiles
(3) Go to this directory: omnetpp-5.2.1/my-samples/inet-myprojects/inet/src
(4) .. inet/src$ make -j4
See this video for the above steps:
STEP3: run an NDP example in the terminal:
(1) There is an ini file that shows an example for NDP model in this directory
(2) There is a shell script that can be used to run this example and it generates several csv files, see omnetpp-5.2.1/my-samples/inet-myprojects/inet/src/inet/ndp/FatTreeNDP/exp1-1-seed1/
(3) To run the shell script, type this command in the terminal
$ sh -e 8 100
Note that: the shell script takes two input parameters which are: K (FatTree size) (e.g. K = 8) and numShortFlows to simulate (e.g. numShortFlows = 100)
(4) There are several Matalb scripts to plot the results from this experiment. You can run all of them by calling the 'plotResults.m' Matlab script.
See the video above for these steps.
An implementation of NDP[1] protocol (SIGCOMM 2017 Best Paper Award) in OMNeT++/INET.
[1] NDP: Re-Architecting Datacenter Networks and Stacks for Low Latency
This model is based on OMNeT++v5.2.1 and INETv3.6.3.
Click on the video symbol below to watch the DEMO:
ndp-tcp-datacentre-omnetpp-model /samples/inet-myprojects/inet/src/inet/ndp/
NDP Design
Per-packet vs per-flow ECMP
If you use this source code in part or entirely, please refer to it with the following bibtex:
author = {Alasmar, Mohammed and Parisis, George},
title = {{Evaluating modern data centre transport protocols in OMNeT++/INET}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th OMNeT++ Community Summit Conference},
address = {Hamburg, Germany},
Year = {2019}