A stocks back-end app with login and purchase functionality, written in Java with Spring Boot framework.
- Spring Web
- Spring Data JPA
- Spring Security
- Validation
- Lombok
- MariaDB Driver
- Java Mail Sender
- H2 Database
- Liquibase
Database name: stocks_app_db
- users(id, name, surname, username, password, balance, role, enabled);
- confirmation_tokens(id, username, token, creation_date);
- stocks_available(id, name, price, available_count);
- stocks_purchased(id, owner_id, item_id, count);
: (GET & POST) Sign up with a new user account.GET
request includes a simple front-end and email verification. No authorization necessary./api/v1/auth/auth
: (POST) Login to a verified account. Unverified accounts cannot be logged into. Returns Json Web Token as a String. No authorization necessary./stocks/market/list-all
: (GET) Displays information about currently available stocks to purchase. No authorization necessary./api/v1/user/current
: (GET) Displays information of the currently logged in user. Authorization with Bearer Token is necessary./stocks/owned/list
: (GET) Displays information about stocks purchased by the currently logged in user. Authorization with Bearer Token is necessary./api/v1/user/current/deposit
: (POST) Deposits money to the balance of the currently logged in user. Amount must be a positive value. Authorization with Bearer Token is necessary./stocks/market/purchase
: (POST) Purchase stocks. Request body: "name" and "count". Sends an email to the user upon successful transactions. Authorization with Bearer Token is necessary./stocks/owned/sell
: (POST) Sell currently owned stocks, only one stock variant at a time. Sends an email to the user upon successful transactions. Authorization with Bearer Token is necessary.