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Try to fix workflows #219

Try to fix workflows

Try to fix workflows #219

# build a new beta release and push it to apple
# Controls when the action will run.
# Triggers the workflow on push
branches: [ beta ]
# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel
# This workflow contains a single job called "build"
name: "Build and Publish Beta Release"
runs-on: self-hosted
release-tag: ${{ steps.releasenotes.outputs.tag }}
release-name: ${{ }}
release-notes: ${{ steps.releasenotes.outputs.notes }}
APP_NAME: "Monal"
EXPORT_OPTIONS_CATALYST_APPSTORE: "../scripts/exportOptions/Stable_Catalyst_ExportOptions.plist"
EXPORT_OPTIONS_CATALYST_APP_EXPORT: "../scripts/exportOptions/Beta_Catalyst_ExportOptions.plist"
EXPORT_OPTIONS_IOS: "../scripts/exportOptions/Beta_iOS_ExportOptions.plist"
# Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
clean: true
submodules: true
fetch-depth: 100
fetch-tags: true
show-progress: true
lfs: true
- name: Checkout submodules
run: git submodule update -f --init --remote
- name: Get last build tag and increment it
run: |
oldBuildNumber=$(git tag --sort="v:refname" | grep "Build_iOS" | grep -v "Quicksy_Build_iOS" | tail -n1 | sed 's/Build_iOS_//g')
buildNumber=$(expr $oldBuildNumber + 1)
echo "New buildNumber is $buildNumber"
git tag Build_iOS_$buildNumber
- name: Extract version number and changelog from newest merge commit
id: releasenotes
run: |
function repairNotes {
sed 's/\r//g' | awk '{
if (NR == 1) {
printf("%s", $0)
} else {
if ($0 ~ /^[\t ]*(-|IOS_ONLY[\t ]*-|MACOS_ONLY[\t ]*-).*$/) {
printf("\n%s", $0)
} else {
printf(" %s", $0)
buildNumber="$(git tag --sort="v:refname" | grep "Build_iOS" | grep -v "Quicksy_Build_iOS" | tail -n1 | sed 's/Build_iOS_//g')"
version="$(git log -n 1 --merges --pretty=format:%s | sed -E 's/^[\t\n ]*([^\n\t ]+)[\t\n ]+\(([^\n\t ]+)\)[\t\n ]*$/\1/g')"
mkdir -p /Users/ci/releases
touch "$OUTPUT_FILE"
echo "OUTPUT_FILE=$OUTPUT_FILE" | tee /dev/stderr >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
echo "buildNumber=$buildNumber" | tee /dev/stderr >> "$OUTPUT_FILE"
echo "tag=Build_iOS_$buildNumber" | tee /dev/stderr >> "$OUTPUT_FILE"
echo "version=$version" | tee /dev/stderr >> "$OUTPUT_FILE"
echo "buildVersion=$(echo "$version" | grep -oE '^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+){0,2}')" | tee /dev/stderr >> "$OUTPUT_FILE"
echo "name=Monal Beta $(git log -n 1 --merges --pretty=format:%s | sed -E 's/^[\t\n ]*([^\n\t ]+)[\t\n ]+\(([^\n\t ]+)\)[\t\n ]*$/\1 (Build '$buildNumber', PR \2)/g')" | tee /dev/stderr >> "$OUTPUT_FILE"
echo "notes<<__EOF__" | tee /dev/stderr >> "$OUTPUT_FILE"
echo "$(git log -n 1 --merges --pretty=format:%b)" | repairNotes | sed -E 's/^[\t\n ]*IOS_ONLY[\t\n ]?(.*)$/\1/g' | sed -E 's/^[\t\n ]*MACOS_ONLY[\t\n ]?(.*)$/\1/g' | tee /dev/stderr >> "$OUTPUT_FILE"
echo "__EOF__" | tee /dev/stderr >> "$OUTPUT_FILE"
echo "notes_ios<<__EOF__" | tee /dev/stderr >> "$OUTPUT_FILE"
echo "$(git log -n 1 --merges --pretty=format:%b)" | repairNotes | grep -v '^[\t\n ]*MACOS_ONLY.*$' | sed -E 's/^[\t\n ]*IOS_ONLY[\t\n ]?(.*)$/\1/g' | tee /dev/stderr >> "$OUTPUT_FILE"
echo "__EOF__" | tee /dev/stderr >> "$OUTPUT_FILE"
echo "notes_macos<<__EOF__" | tee /dev/stderr >> "$OUTPUT_FILE"
echo "$(git log -n 1 --merges --pretty=format:%b)" | repairNotes | grep -v '^[\t\n ]*IOS_ONLY.*$' | sed -E 's/^[\t\n ]*MACOS_ONLY[\t\n ]?(.*)$/\1/g' | tee /dev/stderr >> "$OUTPUT_FILE"
echo "__EOF__" | tee /dev/stderr >> "$OUTPUT_FILE"
- name: Insert buildNumber and version into plists
buildNumber: ${{ steps.releasenotes.outputs.buildNumber }}
buildVersion: ${{ steps.releasenotes.outputs.buildVersion }}
run: sh ./scripts/
- name: Import TURN secrets
run: |
if [[ -e "/Users/ci/secrets.monal_beta" ]]; then
echo "#import \"/Users/ci/secrets.monal_beta\"" > Monal/Classes/secrets.h
- name: Make our build scripts executable
run: chmod +x ./scripts/
- name: Run build
run: ./scripts/
# - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
# with:
# name: monal-ios
# path: Monal/build/ipa/Monal.ipa
# if-no-files-found: error
# - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
# with:
# name: monal-catalyst-dsym
# path: Monal/build/macos_Monal.xcarchive/dSYMs
# if-no-files-found: error
# - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
# with:
# name: monal-ios-dsym
# path: Monal/build/ios_Monal.xcarchive/dSYMs
# if-no-files-found: error
- name: validate ios app
run: xcrun altool --validate-app --file ./Monal/build/ipa/Monal.ipa --type ios --asc-provider S8D843U34Y -u "$(cat /Users/ci/apple_connect_upload_mail.txt)" -p "$(cat /Users/ci/apple_connect_upload_secret.txt)"
- name: Push beta tag to repo
run: |
buildNumber=$(git tag --sort="v:refname" | grep "Build_iOS" | grep -v "Quicksy_Build_iOS" | tail -n1 | sed 's/Build_iOS_//g')
git push origin Build_iOS_$buildNumber
- name: Create fastlane whatsNew hash in environment
id: buildinfo
CHANGELOG_IOS: ${{ steps.releasenotes.outputs.notes_ios }}
CHANGELOG_MACOS: ${{ steps.releasenotes.outputs.notes_macos }}
run: |
get_changelog() {
local escaped=$(printf 'LOCALIZED: %s\n' "$1" | jq -sRr @json)
local json="{\"default\": {whats_new: $escaped},"
# for dir in ./appstore_metadata/*/; do
# dir="$(basename "$dir")"
# if [[ -d "./appstore_metadata/$dir" && "$dir" == *-* ]]; then
# json="$json\"${dir%/}\": {whats_new: $escaped},"
# fi
# done
echo "$json"
echo "buildinfo_ios<<__EOF__" | tee /dev/stderr >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
echo "$(get_changelog "$CHANGELOG_IOS")" | tee /dev/stderr >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
echo "__EOF__" | tee /dev/stderr >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
echo "buildinfo_macos<<__EOF__" | tee /dev/stderr >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
echo "$(get_changelog "$CHANGELOG_MACOS")" | tee /dev/stderr >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
echo "__EOF__" | tee /dev/stderr >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
- name: Publish ios to appstore connect
#run: xcrun altool --upload-app -f ./Monal/build/ipa/Monal.ipa --type ios --asc-provider S8D843U34Y --team-id S8D843U34Y -u "$(cat /Users/ci/apple_connect_upload_mail.txt)" -p "$(cat /Users/ci/apple_connect_upload_secret.txt)"
PILOT_LOCALIZED_BUILD_INFO: ${{ steps.buildinfo.outputs.buildinfo_ios }}
PILOT_CHANGELOG: ${{ steps.releasenotes.outputs.notes_ios }}
#fastlane run upload_to_testflight api_key_path:"/Users/ci/appstoreconnect/key.json" team_id:"S8D843U34Y" ipa:"./Monal/build/ipa/Monal.ipa" distribute_external:true groups:"Internal Pre-Beta Testers","Public Beta" reject_build_waiting_for_review:true submit_beta_review:true
run: |
fastlane run upload_to_testflight api_key_path:"/Users/ci/appstoreconnect/key.json" team_id:"S8D843U34Y" ipa:"./Monal/build/ipa/Monal.ipa" distribute_external:true notify_external_testers:true groups:"Internal Pre-Beta Testers" reject_build_waiting_for_review:true submit_beta_review:true --verbose
- name: Notarize catalyst
run: xcrun notarytool submit ./Monal/build/app/ --wait --team-id S8D843U34Y --key "/Users/ci/appstoreconnect/apiKey.p8" --key-id "$(cat /Users/ci/appstoreconnect/apiKeyId.txt)" --issuer "$(cat /Users/ci/appstoreconnect/apiIssuerId.txt)"
- name: staple
run: |
cd Monal/build/app/tar_release/
xcrun stapler staple "$APP_DIR"
stapler validate "$APP_DIR"
/usr/bin/ditto -c -k --sequesterRsrc --keepParent "$APP_DIR" "../$"
cd ../../../..
# - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
# with:
# name: monal-catalyst-zip
# path: Monal/build/app/
# if-no-files-found: error
# - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
# with:
# name: monal-catalyst-pkg
# path: Monal/build/app/Monal.pkg
# if-no-files-found: error
# - name: Upload new catalyst beta to
# run: ./scripts/ beta
- name: Publish catalyst to appstore connect
#run: xcrun altool --upload-app --file ./Monal/build/app/Monal.pkg --type macos --asc-provider S8D843U34Y -u "$(cat /Users/ci/apple_connect_upload_mail.txt)" -p "$(cat /Users/ci/apple_connect_upload_secret.txt)" --primary-bundle-id
PILOT_LOCALIZED_BUILD_INFO: ${{ steps.buildinfo.outputs.buildinfo_macos }}
PILOT_CHANGELOG: ${{ steps.releasenotes.outputs.notes_macos }}
run: |
fastlane run upload_to_testflight api_key_path:"/Users/ci/appstoreconnect/key.json" team_id:"S8D843U34Y" pkg:"./Monal/build/app/Monal.pkg" distribute_external:true notify_external_testers:true groups:"Internal Pre-Beta Testers" reject_build_waiting_for_review:true submit_beta_review:true --verbose
# - name: Release
# uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v2
# with:
# name: "${{ }}"
# tag_name: "${{ steps.releasenotes.outputs.tag }}"
# target_commitish: beta
# generate_release_notes: false
# body: "${{ steps.releasenotes.outputs.notes }}"
# files: |
# ./Monal/build/ipa/Monal.ipa
# ./Monal/build/app/Monal.pkg
# ./Monal/build/app/
# fail_on_unmatched_files: true
# token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
# draft: false
# prerelease: true
# updateTranslations:
# name: Update Translations using Beta-Branch
# runs-on: self-hosted
# needs: [buildAndPublishBeta]
# env:
# APP_NAME: "Monal"
# APP_DIR: ""
# BUILD_TYPE: "Beta"
# # Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job
# steps:
# - uses: actions/checkout@v4
# with:
# clean: true
# submodules: true
# - name: Checkout submodules
# run: git submodule update -f --init --remote
# - name: Update translations
# run: |
# chmod +x ./scripts/
# chmod +x ./scripts/
# ./scripts/ BUILDSERVER
# notifyMuc:
# name: Notify support MUC about new Betarelease
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# needs: [buildAndPublishBeta]
# steps:
# - name: Notify
# uses: monal-im/xmpp-notifier@master
# with: # Set the secrets as inputs
# jid: ${{ secrets.BOT_JID }}
# password: ${{ secrets.BOT_PASSWORD }}
# server_host: ${{ secrets.BOT_SERVER }}
# recipient: [email protected]
# recipient_is_room: true
# bot_alias: "Monal Release Bot"
# message: |
# ${{ needs.buildAndPublishBeta.outputs.release-name }} was released
# ${{ needs.buildAndPublishBeta.outputs.release-notes }}