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Contemporary engineering systems, such as electrical circuits, mechanical systems with shocks, and chemical reactions with rapid kinetics, are often characterized by dynamics that can be modeled using stiff differential equations with events. Recently, quantization-based techniques have emerged as an effective alternative for handling such complex models. Methods like the Quantized State System (QSS) and the Linearly Implicit Quantized State System (LIQSS) offer promising results, particularly for large sparse stiff models. Unlike classic numerical integration methods, which update all system variables at each time step, the quantized approach updates individual system variables independently. Moreover, these methods are advantageous when dealing with discontinuous events, where traditional integrators may struggle with accuracy.
The QuantizedSystemSolver aims to solve a set of Ordinary differential equations with a set of events. It implements the quantized state system methods.
QuantizedSystemSolver.jl is a registered package, and is simply installed by the foloowing:
Run julia in the terminal, then enter ] to bring up Julia's package manager, and add the QuantizedSystemSolver.jl package:
julia> ]
(@v1.x) pkg> add QuantizedSystemSolver
The general form of a problem composed of a set of ODEs and a set of events that QSS is able to solve is described in the following:
System of
System of
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