released this
23 Oct 17:01
norns 2.4.3
NEW softcut: copy buffers with reverse and crossfade @csboling
NEW softcut: grab buffer data (for visualization) @csboling
NEW softcut: crossfade and preserve buffer options for buffer_clear @csboling
NEW script favorites @zzsnzmn
NEW virtual raw midi port support @ngwese @patriciogonzalezvivo
NEW midi sysex support improved @ngwese
NEW params: type binary for trig, toggle, momentary @andr-ew
NEW params: option to disable mapping @ngwese
NEW deque: add peek, peek_back, find @ngwese
NEW sky: additions and refinements @ngwese
NEW ui slider direction option @ericmoderbacher
FIX midi: handle running status @ngwese
FIX musicutil: scale refinement @markwheeler
FIX softcut: clamp params @catfact
FIX update system: clean up @tridae
FIX er: handle empty table, add shift @catfact
FIX build: remove boost, use moodycamel @catfact
FIX prevent crash when trimming unicode strings @markwheeler
FIX tape: protect from overwriting files @csboling
FIX script preview: remove trailing whitespace @csboling
FIX git housekeeping @ngwese
FIX param menu: restore fine control after fileselect @tomwaters
FIX controlspec: quantum not set when copying @tomwaters
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