A simplest realistic solar system map
Inspired by Star Citizens, completed a simplest realistic solar system map. The map compiled the planet's rotation inclination, revolution/rotation period and fitted orbits(just circle) based on the data from Wikipedia 2010. The planetary distance has been scaled and the scroll wheel can control the speed of time, this project's purpose is to provide a basic concept and perspective of the solar system and the way vector and quaternion works in Unity.
W,A,S,D move the camera
left shift boost
Q/E to raise up/down
M to show/mute axis tilt ray
N cancel focus
Hold RMB of mouse to view
Double click LMB to focus/cancel focus on certain planet
Mouse wheel Up/Down to adjust the time(default 1 day/sec)
Since the data is not the latest, you could update the information of all planets in the Unity editor including orbit color.
I hope those could be useful !.
Ruikang Xu
All comments are described above each relevant code blocks
IDE: IntellJ Rider
Development Enviroment: Unity 2020.1.5f1
Software operating environment: Windowns 10 64 bits
👤 Ruikang Xu
- Github: @Bestitz
Copyright © 2020 Ruikang Xu.