0.23.0 (2022-10-17)
Breaking Change
- #766: feat: replace Type Options with GQL Directives
new features: - directives: __DropNamespace__ , __InputTypeNamespace__ - __VisitType__ methods: __visitFieldNames__, __visitEnumNames__
breaking changes:
- visitTypeName signature changed from a -> Text -> Text to a -> Bool -> Text -> Text
- DEPRECATED: typeOptions , GQLTypeOptions, prefixInputs, dropNamespaceOptions, defaultTypeOptions
- TH may require importing InputTypeNamespace and Rename directive
fixes #570
- #769: generate code with code-gen.yaml
- 📦 server
- 👤 @nalchevanidze
- morpheus build whole project instead of one file and requires - WIP support of client code-gen
Bug Fixes
- #767: code-gen does not alters GraphQL names
- #768: fix: support singleton list input coercion
Minor Changes
- #770: Type class instance
- 👤 @nalchevanidze
client code-gen partially generates type classes
- #771: implement CodeGen Client Instances
- 📦 client
- 👤 @nalchevanidze