This Repo is an example for a course that can be used as a template for other courses. Have a look at the repo contents, we included an assignment with exercises of each supported exercise type, with the corresponding config, description files and folder structure like the solutions folder. Please adhere to the same folder structure as provided through this template.
The following exercise-types are supported in our current version, you also find the exercises in the template in the same corresponsing order:
- code
- codeSnippet
- text
- single Choice
- multiple Choice
You should have received a preconfigured and registered repo from us, containing this template. The contained assignment1 has its dueDate in the config set in the past, it will therefore not appear in the public listings. You can keep it as a reference point in your repository. You can simply copy the assignment folder and then make the necessary adjustments by modifying the config and descriptions files, delete or copy existing exercise folders and modifying those to your needs.
In the config.json file of the repo itself, you have to add the emails of the students themselves provided by them. Preferrably their uzh address, but if for any reason they did not receive their account from uzh yet, any email address would work. They will receive a link where they can register in our app (set a password) which will give them access to this course, where they will be able to solve the corresponding assignments (that get published according to the dates set in their config file).
Please note that for the choice exercises, the solution is included in the config file, specifically as index for the options array. Meaning if you include options like
"options": ["Javascript", "Pyhton", "Java", "C++"],
for the solutions to include Javascript and C++, the config would need to be configured like this:
"solutions": [0, 3],
This was a design decision on our part as to avoid incorrect or non-existing answers (incorrect linking to options) because of spelling errors.