This toolbox contains tools used for defining the robustness of metabolic networks.
If you use any software of this toolbox please cite:
Matthias P. Gerstl, Steffen Klamt, Christian Jungreuthmayer, and Jürgen Zanghellini. Exact quantification of cellular robustness in genome-scale metabolic networks. Bioinformatics (In Press)
This software was developed and tested only with Linux. However it is pure C code. So it should also work with other operating system.
- download networkRobustnessToolbox
- cd networkRobustnessToolbox
- make
compiled tools are located in folder bin
Perl scripts are located in folder script and can just be started without the need of installation.
- Examples are located in the folder examples
cd examples
To remove output files
- Every tool can be called without any argument to show help page
- A short documentation can be found in the folder doc
This toolbox is published under GNU Public License V3. The license information is contained in every src file.