Currently the docker image is just available for the master development tree: docker pull mplx/docker-pixelfed:master
. As I'm using it myself I'm trying to keep it as stable as possible, however as long as there are no semver tags you should consider this image to break anytime. So if you just wanna go for a selfhosted Pixelfed testdrive this image is fine to use, however you shouldn't daily feed your thousands of followers with it.
pixelfed is a federated Instagram-like photo sharing for everyone developed by @dansup. This project puts this FOSS in a docker container.
- Pixelfed v0.11.0
- Based on Alpine Linux 3.11 w/ PHP 7.3
- Source available at Github
- Autobuild at DockerHub
- MultiArch (supports amd64, arm32v6, arm32v7 and arm32v8; however just amd64 is extensively tested. Yes, it will run on Raspi and other Pi's)
Additional services required:
Optional services:
- Reverse Proxy to provide HTTPS
See sample configuration for usage:
- pixelfed.env.sample (see official docs)
- swarm.yml.sample (example for use in combination with traefik 1.x proxy)
- mysql.env.sample
- postgresql.env.sample
Please feel free to submit an issue or merge request regarding this project anytime :) however please respect that I cannot provide basic support for Docker/Swarm/k8s nor Pixelfed.