This App was developed with the aim of improve my skills in Data Engineering, Front-End, Back-End using: Python v3.7.3 (libs: Requests, Pymongo, Google, Tweepy, Multiprocessing, Web Scraping on Twitter and Google) Django v2.2 MongoDB v4.0 Google Charts API (Graphs) Bootstrap 3.4 Javascript
The intention is to apply improvements while I learning new ways to program in Python and another stacks.
To execute this project, all you need to setup it properly is:
Using "Docker" and "docker-compose"
# docker and docker-compose installed
# clone the repository (portalapp)
# Inside of 'portalapp' directory there are Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml to setup the application
docker-compose up
# Access URL in your Browser
Using "Virtualenv"
# have installed and running the MongoDB (v4.0 prefered) and Python (v3.7 prefered) on your LocalHost
# clone the repository (portalapp)
# Install Virtualenv
pip install virtualenv
# Inside of portalapp directory - Create the Virtual Enviroment
virtualenv -p 'python3' venv
# Inside of portalapp directory - Connect in the Virtual Environment
source venv/bin/activate
# Another requirements will be installed
pip install -r requirements
# Execute the commands to start
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py runserver
# Access URL in your Browser