MongeAmpere Public
Solve large instance of semi-discrete optimal transport problems and other Monge-Ampere equations
PyMongeAmpere Public
Python interface for a 2D optimal transport / Monge Ampère solver using Laguerre diagrams
pysdot Public
Forked from sd-ot/pysdotPython bindings for sdot (semi-discret optimal transportation tools)
M1MAO-TP Public
opttransport Public
Optimal transport between a density and a sum of Dirac masses.
EulerLagrangianOT Public
Numerical resolution of Euler's equations for incompressible fluids using semi-discrete optimal transport
EulerSemidiscrete Public
Computation of minimizing geodesics in the space of measure-preserving diffeomorphisms on a domain.
voronoi_covariance Public
Compute the Voronoi covariance measure of a point cloud
cloudy Public
Visualization of point cloud data enriched with extra informations (e.g. VCM)
lbfgspp Public
A simple C++ wrapper around the original LBFGS Fortran code