- .NET SDK 8.0: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download
- PostgreSQL with database
Clone this repo with submodules:
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/mrphil2105/BachelorProject.git
cd BachelorProject
Install the Entity Framework Core tools:
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
Environment variables can either be set system-wide (e.g. in .bashrc
) or by prefixing them to commands as we do below.
First, apply the migrations for the PostgreSQL database:
cd Shared
APACHI_LOG_DATABASE_CONNECTION="Host=localhost;Username=postgres;Database=apachi-log-db" dotnet ef database update
Then, generate a key pair for the Programme Committee:
cd ProgramCommittee
dotnet run --generate-keypair
Save the base64 for the private and public key. The private key is required in the ProgramCommittee
application and
the public key is required in the UserApp
cd ProgramCommittee
APACHI_PC_PRIVATE_KEY=<replace-with-generated-private-key-base64> APACHI_LOG_DATABASE_CONNECTION="Host=localhost;Username=postgres;Database=apachi-log-db" APACHI_APP_DATABASE_FILE="App.db" dotnet run
cd UserApp
APACHI_PC_PUBLIC_KEY=<replace-with-generated-public-key-base64> APACHI_LOG_DATABASE_CONNECTION="Host=localhost;Username=postgres;Database=apachi-log-db" APACHI_APP_DATABASE_FILE="App.db" dotnet run