Useful scripts for development under cygwin
Requires: grep and awk
When java does a garbage collection it can pause all threads. This script quickly prints the minimum, maximum, average and counts for both young and old collections based on a verbose GC log. Java must be started with the following arguments to produce a log with the necessary information -verbose:gc,gcheuristic,gcpause,gcreport,systemgc -XverboseTimeStamp -Xverboselog:/path/to/gc.log
(example relevant to Oracle JRockit).
$ /path/to/gc.log
[YC] Min: 46.165000 Max: 2038.904000 Average: 167.135334 Count: 1159
[OC] Min: 123.226000 Max: 413.757000 Average: 248.258250 Count: 4
Requires: find, xargs, sort, cut and head
Outputs the ten most recently changed files in the directory provided and any sub-directories.
$ /path/to/directory