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Angular allows developers to have only one ErrorHandler at a time which sometimes may be suboptimal if you already have an error handler like Sentry and want to add additional error handling. In such cases you would have to extend the existing ErrorHandler and override handleError, add some error handling and call super.handleError(error). This might be quite annoying especially wheh you want to use multiple error handlers alongside with existing ones. This library allows you to provide multiple error handlers (both class and function based) which will be executed one by one when an error occures.


npm i ng-error-handlers

Angular version compatibility

Compatible with v17+

Basic setup

import {provideErrorHandlers} from 'ng-error-handlers';

// Standalone projects
bootstrapApplication(AppComponent, {
    providers: [

// Module based projects
    providers: [
export class AppModule {}

By default provideErrorHandlers doesn't provide any error handler. So if you want to have at least basic ErrorHandler you can provide it via withClassHandlers.

Class based handlers

A class must implement ErrorHandler interface from @angular/core.

import {provideErrorHandlers, withClassHandlers} from 'ng-error-handlers';
import {ErrorHandler} from '@angular/core';

class MyCustomHandler implements ErrorHandler {
    handleError(error: any) {
        // do some stuff

// Standalone projects
bootstrapApplication(AppComponent, {
    providers: [
            withClassHandlers(ErrorHandler, MyCustomHandler)

// Module based projects
    providers: [
            withClassHandlers(ErrorHandler, MyCustomHandler)
export class AppModule {}

Function based handlers

It is possible to just use a function to handle an error. A function must satisfy ErrorHandlerFn type from ng-error-handlers.

import {provideErrorHandlers, withFuncHandlers, ErrorHandlerFn} from 'ng-error-handlers';

const customHandler: ErrorHandlerFn = (error: any) => {
    // do some stuff

// Standalone projects
bootstrapApplication(AppComponent, {
    providers: [

// Module based projects
    providers: [
export class AppModule {}

Usage with both class and function based handlers

import {provideErrorHandlers, withFuncHandlers, withClassHandlers, ErrorHandlerFn} from 'ng-error-handlers';
import {ErrorHandler} from '@angular/core';

class MyCustomHandler implements ErrorHandler {
    handleError(error: any) {
        // do some stuff

const customHandler: ErrorHandlerFn = (error: any) => {
    // do some stuff

// Standalone projects
bootstrapApplication(AppComponent, {
    providers: [
            withClassHandlers(ErrorHandler, MyCustomHandler),

// Module based projects
    providers: [
            withClassHandlers(ErrorHandler, MyCustomHandler),
export class AppModule {}

Injection context

provideErrorHandlers returns EnvironmentProviders and thus must be provided either on application level or route level with the appropriate EnvironmentInjector. Hence it is possible to use DI in both class and function based error handlers.

import {ErrorHandler} from '@angular/core';
import {ErrorHandlerFn} from 'ng-error-handlers';

class MyCustomHandler implements ErrorHandler {
    private readonly analyticsService = inject(AnalyticsService);

    handleError(error: any) {

const myCustomHandler: ErrorHandlerFn = (error: any) => {
    const analyticsService = inject(AnalyticsService);

Catching failed dynamic imports

Sometimes a new release gets deployed but users are still using an old build with old chunk hashes and haven't fetched the new build. In such situations if a user tries to open a lazy route, the attempt will fail with such error

TypeError: Failed to fetch dynamically imported module:

There is a handy withDynamicImportHandler function to handle such sitatuions

import {provideErrorHandlers, withFuncHandlers} from 'ng-error-handlers';
import {withDynamicImportHandler} from 'ng-error-handlers/dynamic-import-handler';

    // custom behaviour
    withDynamicImportHandler(failedImport => alert(failedImport)),

It takes one argument callback that will be executed once a dynamic import error occurs. If callback is not provided then the default behavior will be the current page reloading.

Sentry integration

In a nutshell Sentry just replaces ErrorHandler with its own class SentryErrorHandler which can be done just like this

import {provideErrorHandlers, withClassHandlers} from 'ng-error-handlers';
import {SentryErrorHandler, init} from '@sentry/angular';

    // Sentry options


To make things easier there is a function withSentry which creates a class handler under the hood and calls Sentry.init() via APP_INITIALIZER.

import {provideErrorHandlers, withClassHandlers} from 'ng-error-handlers';
import {withSentry} from 'ng-error-handlers/sentry-handler';
import {browserTracingIntegration, replayIntegration, TraceService} from '@sentry/angular';
import {Router} from '@angular/router';
import {APP_INITIALIZER} from '@angular/core';

providers: [
            dsn: "https://my.dsn",
            integrations: [
            // Performance Monitoring
            tracesSampleRate: 1.0, //  Capture 100% of the transactions
            // Set 'tracePropagationTargets' to control for which URLs distributed tracing should be enabled
            tracePropagationTargets: [
            // Session Replay
            replaysSessionSampleRate: 0.1, // This sets the sample rate at 10%. You may want to change it to 100% while in development and then sample at a lower rate in production.
            replaysOnErrorSampleRate: 1.0, // If you're not already sampling the entire session, change the sample rate to 100% when sampling sessions where errors occur.
    // Provide additional things like TraceService
        provide: TraceService,
        deps: [Router],
        provide: APP_INITIALIZER,
        useFactory: () => () => {},
        deps: [TraceService],
        multi: true,