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msakai committed Dec 19, 2010
0 parents commit 94e38fb
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Showing 24 changed files with 2,977 additions and 0 deletions.
510 changes: 510 additions & 0 deletions COPYING

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

71 changes: 71 additions & 0 deletions PTQ.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
Name: PTQ
Version: 0.0.5
License: LGPL
License-File: COPYING
Author: Masahiro Sakai
Maintainer: Masahiro Sakai <masahiro.sakai AT>
Category: Natural Language Processing
Build-Type: Simple
Synopsis: An implementation of Montague's PTQ.
Description: An implementation of Montague's PTQ (Proper Treatment of Quantification). It translates simple plain English sentences into formulas of intentional logic.
Cabal-Version: >= 1.2.3
Stability: experimental
src/Context.hs, src/MP.hs, src/PDict.hs, src/ParserTest.hs,
misc/Test.hs, misc/Test2.agda, misc/Test3.hs
Data-Files: cgi/index.html, cgi/main.html

Flag UTF8Terminal
Description: Use UTF-8 for terminal I/O
Default: False

Description: Use UTF-8 for HTTP contents
Default: True

Executable ptq
Main-Is: Main.hs
Hs-Source-Dirs: src
Build-Depends: base >=4 && <5, haskell98, mtl, containers
if flag(UTF8Terminal)
CPP-Options: "-DUSE_UTF8"
Build-Depends: utf8-string

Executable ptq.cgi
Main-Is: CGIMain.hs
Hs-Source-Dirs: src
Build-Depends: base >=4 && <5, haskell98, mtl, containers, network, xml
if flag(UTF8CGI)
CPP-Options: "-DUSE_UTF8"
Build-Depends: utf8-string
41 changes: 41 additions & 0 deletions README
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
= An implementation of Montague's PTQ in Haskell

== Build and Install

You'll need GHC 6.7 or later.

% runhaskell Setup.lhs configure
% runhaskell Setup.lhs build
% runhaskell Setup.lhs install

== Usage of interactive shell ptq

% ptq
PTQ> John seeks a unicorn.
F4 john (F5 seek (F2 a unicorn))

(\x0. x0 {john}) (Int (seek (Int ((\x0. \x1. exists x2. x0 {x2} && x1 {x2}) (Int unicorn)))))

Translation (simplified):
seek (Int (\x0. exists x1. unicorn x1 && x0 {x1})) john


F10 0 (F2 a unicorn) (F4 john (F5 seek (He 0)))

(\x0. \x1. exists x2. x0 {x2} && x1 {x2}) (Int unicorn) (Int (\x0. (\x1. x1 {john}) (Int (seek (Int (\x1. x1 {x0}))))))

Translation (simplified):
exists x0. unicorn x0 && seek (Int (\x1. x1 {x0})) john
PTQ> quit

== CGI interface

By locating ptq.cgi, cgi/index.html and cgi/main.html to the place
where CGI is executable, you can try it on the web.
Demo site runs at <>.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions Setup.lhs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
#! /usr/bin/env runhaskell

> import Distribution.Simple
> main = defaultMain
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions cgi/index.html
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<title>Demo page of PTQ</title>
<frameset rows="30%,*">
<frame src="main.html">
<frame name="result">
<a href="main.html">No frame version</a>
49 changes: 49 additions & 0 deletions cgi/main.html
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<title>Demo page of PTQ</title>

<h1>Demo page of <a href="" target="_top">PTQ</a></h1>

<form method="get" action="ptq.cgi" accept-charset="utf-8 us-ascii" target="result">
<input type="text" name="s" value="" size="100" />
<input type="submit" value="Translate!" />

<form method="get" action="ptq.cgi" accept-charset="utf-8 us-ascii" target="result">
Sample: <select name="s">
<option>John seeks a unicorn.</option>
<option>John finds a unicorn.</option>
<option>Necessarily John walks.</option>
<option>John is Bill.</option>
<option>John is a unicorn.</option>
<option>John believes that a unicorn talks.</option>
<option>Every woman loves a unicorn.</option>
<option>Every woman loves John.</option>
<option>A unicorn walks and it talks.</option>
<option>Every unicorn such that it walks talks.</option>
<option>John walks slowly.</option>
<option>John walks in a park.</option>
<option>John wishes to find a unicorn and eat it.</optoin>
<option>A man or a woman is asleep.</option>
<option>A man is asleep or a woman is asleep.</option>
<option>A man or a woman loves every unicorn.</option>
<option>A man loves every unicorn or a woman loves every unicorn.</option>
<option>Every unicorn walks or talks.</option>
<!-- ここまでは講義資料に載っていたもの -->
<option>John has sought a unicorn.</option>
<option>John will seek a unicorn.</option>
<option>A unicorn is eaten by John.</option>
<option>Every unicorn is not a man.</option>
<option>Every man loves a woman such that she loves him.</option>
</select> <input type="submit" value="Translate!" />

</body> </html>
50 changes: 50 additions & 0 deletions misc/Test.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fallow-undecidable-instances #-}
-- coverage condition を満たしていないインスタンス宣言があるため

-- Expr.hs

-- Benetteの意味タイプ
data E -- 個体
data Prop -- 本来はtと書かれるけど、小文字が使えないので
data S a
-- 関数型はHaskellの -> をそのまま使う

infixl 9 :@

-- 意味タイプがtである式
data Expr t where
FVar :: Name -> Expr t
BVar :: !Int -> Expr t
Lam :: Name -> Scope b -> Expr (a -> b)
Forall :: Name -> Scope Prop -> Expr Prop
Exists :: Name -> Scope Prop -> Expr Prop
(:@) :: Expr (a -> b) -> Expr a -> Expr b
C :: C t -> Expr t

type Name = String
newtype Scope t = Sc (Expr t)

data C t where
John' :: C E
Mary' :: C E
Bill' :: C E
Int :: C (a -> S a)

abstract :: Name -> Expr t -> Scope t
abstract name expr = Sc (h 0 expr)
h outer (FVar name') | name==name' = BVar 0
| otherwise = FVar name'
h outer (BVar index) = BVar index

-- instantiate :: Expr u -> Scope t -> Expr t


-- import Expr.hs

99 changes: 99 additions & 0 deletions misc/Test2.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
postulate s :: Set
postulate e :: Set
postulate t :: Set
postulate ext :: (a::Set) |-> (s -> a) -> a
postulate int :: (a::Set) |-> a -> (s -> a)
postulate box :: t -> t
postulate id :: e -> e -> t
postulate and :: t -> t -> t
postulate or :: t -> t -> t
postulate imply :: t -> t -> t
postulate equiv :: t -> t -> t
postulate not :: t -> t
postulate forall :: (e -> t) -> t
postulate exists :: (e -> t) -> t
postulate H :: t -> t
postulate F :: t -> t

CN :: Set
CN = e -> t

IV :: Set
IV = e -> t

(/) :: Set -> Set -> Set
a / b = (s -> b) -> a

(//) :: Set -> Set -> Set
a // b = (s -> b) -> a

T = t / IV
TV = IV / T

Det = T / CN
DTV = TV / T
TTV = TV / T
PP = IV / TV
Adj :: Set
Adj = e -> t

be :: TV
be p x = ext p (int (\(y::e) -> id x y))

necessarily :: t / t
necessarily p = box (ext p)

postulate j :: e
postulate m :: e
postulate b :: e
postulate n :: e

John :: T
John P = ext P j

Mary :: T
Mary P = ext P m

Bill :: T
Bill P = ext P b

ninty :: T
ninty P = ext P n

a :: Det
a p q = exists (\(x::e) -> and (ext p x) (ext q x))

the :: Det
the p q = exists (\(y::e) ->
forall (\(x::e) -> and (equiv (ext p x) (id x y)) (ext q x)))

every :: Det
every p q = forall (\(x::e) -> imply (ext p x) (ext q x))

no :: Det
no p q = forall (\(x::e) -> not (and (ext p x) (ext q x)))

be' :: IV / Adj
be' P x = ext P x

by :: PP / T
by P R x = ext P (int (\(y::e) -> ext R (int (\(Q::s -> e -> t) -> ext Q x)) y))

-- NG
by' :: PP / T
by' P R x = ext P (int (\(y::e) -> int R {! !} {! !} {! !} {! !}))
-- λP λR λx P{^ (λy [^R(y, ^(λP P{x}))])}

bar :: ((R::{! !}) -> (h::{! !}) -> {! !}) / T
bar = \(P::s->T) -> \(R::{! !}) -> \(x::e) ->
ext P (int (\(y::e) -> {! !}))

Q : s -> e -> x
int (\Q -> ext Q x)

F25 :: TV -> Adj
F25 delta x = exists (\(y::e) -> H (delta (int (\(P::s->e->t) -> ext P x)) y))
53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions misc/Test3.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fallow-undecidable-instances #-}
-- coverage condition を満たしていないインスタンス宣言があるため


data Prop
data S
data E

infixl 9 :@

data Expr t where
BVar :: Int -> Expr t
FVar :: String -> Expr t
(:@) :: Expr (a->b) -> Expr a -> Expr b
Lam :: Expr b -> Expr (a->b)
Int :: Expr a -> Expr (S->a)
Ext :: Expr (S->a) -> Expr a


infixl 1 :/

data Sen
data IV
data CN
data (:/) a b

type T = Sen :/ IV
type TV = IV :/ T
type IAV = IV :/ IV

data P c where
F :: CatToType b u => P (a :/ b) -> P b -> P a

class CatToType c t | c -> t
instance CatToType Sen Prop
instance CatToType IV (E->Prop)
instance CatToType CN (E->Prop)
instance (CatToType a t, CatToType b u) => CatToType (a :/ b) ((S->u)->t)

translate :: CatToType c t => P c -> Expr t
translate (F fun arg) = translate fun :@ Int (translate arg)


class Assoc a b | a -> b
instance Assoc Int Int
f :: Assoc Int b => Int -> b
f x = x

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