thanks to chrisrichardson for sharing this MicroserviceCanvas, I tried to redesigned that to make it more comfortable for manual data entry.
The microservice canvas is a very convenient way to document a (micro)service. To learn more about the microservice canvas please see this blog post.
یک سرویس (میکروسرویس) چیست؟ و چگونه آن را مستند کنیم؟ (قسمت اول)
یک سرویس (میکروسرویس) چیست؟ و چگونه آن را مستند کنیم؟ (قسمت دوم)
The canvas is available in Microsoft Word (docx) for Easier to use
you can see some sample data about an imaginary service (sample-service). remove them, and enter your microservice information