Simple template based on webpack, pug, stylus, es6, postcss for multi page applications
For questions, bugs and enhancements use issues.
- Install editorconfig plugin for your editor (PhpStorm, Sublime Text, Atom, VS Code) - consistent coding style between different editors and IDEs;
- Install eslint plugin for your editor (PhpStorm, Sublime Text, Atom, VS Code) - the pluggable linting utility for JavaScript.
- Clone or download project:
git clone [email protected]:msdog/mpa-frontend-template.git your-project-name
- Enter in project folder and remove .git folder:
cd your-project-name && rm -rf .git
- Install dependencies with yarn:
- Use build commands:
yarn build
- build project for production (includes UglifyJSPlugin, cssnano);yarn watch
- build and start watching for development (includes sourcemaps);yarn start
- build, watch and local server for development (includes reload on change files);yarn lint
- lint js code in src folder with airbnb rules.
In file pug/includes/require.pug located function, usage:
img(src='upload/sample.jpg' srcset=`upload/[email protected] 2x` alt='')
.block(style='background-image: url(upload/sample.jpg);')
For short include in file pug/mixins/img.pug located mixin, usage:
Attention! This mixin requires a picture in a double size (for srcset) and the link is already included upload/
Install dependency (for example, swiper):
yarn add swiper
Import dependency in main.styl once:
@require '~swiper/dist/css/swiper.css'
Symbol ~
in styl points to a node_modules folder.
Install dependency (for example, sticky-kit):
yarn add sticky-kit
Import dependency in main.js once:
import 'sticky-kit/dist/sticky-kit';
Install dependency (for example, swiper):
yarn add swiper
Import in the file in which you need the dependency:
import Swiper from 'swiper/dist/js/swiper';
@ in path points to src folder, with it you can create an absolute path. CSS:
src: url("~@/font/rouble-webfont.woff") format("woff")
import module from '@/js/module';
Put the icon in /ico
And add code in your template:
<svg class="your-class" width="193" height="40">
<use xlink:href="#your-icon-file-name"></use>
Or you can use pug-mixin:
+icon('your-icon-file-name')(width=193 height=40).your-class