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Domain specific language DSL

The dataTransfer is able to define and use variables and query non ADO.NET data sources. Because non ADO.NET data sources mostly don´t understand SQL the dataTransfer uses an own SQL Parser and a DSL expression language for variables, where parts and columns. Variables can also be used in standard SQL statement of ADO.NET data sources.

There are several variants of DSL expression languages build in, depending on the custom data provider. For variable initialization without provider context, the most basic DSL variant is used. The basic syntax of all DSLs is described here. Special functions are described at the documentation for the concrete custom provider.

A pdf documentation is available too.


The Datatransfer allows the usage of variables in TransferTableJobs with the XML element TransferTableJob/variable. You can define as many variables as you want. The processing is done in order of appearance. To define or set a variabel use @type and @name.

<TransferTableJob sourceTable = "sourceTab" targetTable="targetTab" identicalColumns="true">
	<variable name="varName" type="String" value="test"/>

To reference a variable in SQL use ${{varName}}. To reference a variable in an DSL-expression just use varName. Valid types are String, DateTime, Boolean, Int64 and Double. Type conversions in expressions is done mostly implicit (.NET rules) but can be achieved with function calls explicitly too. Type conversions in ADO.NET SQL have to be done by yourself.

Declaring and (re)setting the value can be done in 3 ways

  • Constant – value attribute

    <variable name="`varName" type="String" value="test"/> 
  • SELECT expression

    • Attribute variable/@selectContext defines where to execute the sql query – Target or Source
    • Attribute variable/@selectStmt sets the sql statement
    <variable name="varName" type="DateTime" selectContext="Source" selectStmt="SELECT Max(datum) from someSourceTab"/>
    <variable name="varName2" type="DateTime" selectContext="Target" selectStmt="SELECT Max(datum) from targetTab where col = ${{varName}} "/>
  • Expression

    • Uses the base DSL itsself to define the value of the variable with the xml attribute variable/@expression
    • referenced variables are substituted as the known type, i.e. a string var with value test will bei substituted as 'test' This example assumes that v1 and v2 are existing variables:
    <variable name="varName" type="String" expression="v1 + ' ' + v2"/>

If you define the same variable name multiple times, it is overwriten on each occurence with the new calculated value.

<variable name="v1" type="String" value="test" />
<variable name="v2" type="Int64" value="125" />
<variable name="v1" type="String" expression = "v1 + ' ' + v2"/>

The result of v1 is 'test 125'.


Strings are separated with single quotes '. Escaping is allowed like ' \n \r \t \ (like C#). 'test with \' in it'

Numbers are written without any braces/just plain. 12

Decimals are separated with . . 12.48

Boolean literals are plain “true” and “false” without quotes. true or false

Null literal is plain „null“ without quotes. null

Operators and relations

All operators and relations in dataTransfer DSLs are binary operators. This means there is always a value before and a value after the operator like

value operator value

Unary operators are implemented as functions, like not.

Type Operator Usage Description
relation < 2 < 3 less
relation <= 2 <= 3 less equal
relation > 2 > 3 greater
relation > 2 >= 3 greater equal
relation = 2 = 3 equal
= has the same meaning like ==
relation == 2 == 3 equal
== has the same meaning like =
relation != 2 != 3 unequal
!= has the same meaning like <>
relation <> 2 != 3 unequal
<> has the same meaning like !=
arithmetic operator + 2 + 3 plus
arithmetic operator - 2 - 3 minus
arithmetic operator * 2 * 3 multiplication
arithmetic operator / 2 / 3 division
arithmetic operator % 2 % 3 modulo
bitwise operator & 2 & 3 bitwise and of bits in numbers
bitwise operator ``` ``` ```2
string operator + '2' + '3' string concatenation
logic operator && true && false logic and
&& has the same meaning like and
logic operator ``` ```
logic operator and true and false logic and
and has the same meaning like &&
logic operator or true or false logic or
or has the same meaning like ```


The DSLs are functional languages. Functions are called with name and parameters. Example Funtcion_name( param1, param2, …, param n) The parameter count is dynamic in some cases. The language is case insensitive. It´s not important if function names are written upper- or lowercase. The following functions are valid for all DSL variants.

Additional functions could be defined for specific providers like LDAP. These are explained in the appropriate tutorial section.

Math functions

Name Parameter Description
Sin Number X
Returns Number
Calculates sine of x
Cos Number X
Returns Number
Calculates cosine of x
Tan Number X
Returns Number
Calculates tangent of x
Abs Number X
Returns Number
Calculates absolute of x
Pi N/A
Returns Number
Ceiling Number X
Returns Number
Rounds the number x up to the next integer
Floor Number X
Returns Number
Rounds the number x down to the next integer
Round / rnd Number X
[integer precision]
Returns Number
Rounds the number x to the next nearest integer.
If precision is set, the rounding is calculated on the n´th decimal position
Max Number X
Number Y
Returns Number
Returns the maximum of [X] and [Y]
Min Number X
Number Y
Returns Number
Returns the minimum of [X] and [Y]

String functions

Name Parameter Description
ToUpper String Input
Returns String
Converts all lowercase letters of [input] to uppercase
ToLower String Input
Returns String
Converts all uppercase letters of [input] to lowercase
IndexOf String Input
String SearchString
Returns Number
Searches in string [input] for occurence of [SearchString] and returns the index position.
If the string isn´t found the function returns -1
Replace String Input
String SearchString
String ReplaceString
Returns String
Search and replaces all occurences of [SearchString] in [input] with the replacement string [ReplaceString].
Substring String Input
Number startIndex
[Number Length]
Returns String
Returns a substring of [input]. This is determined from the the start position [startIndex] to the end or if given [Length] in the given [Length] from [startindex].
strContains / contains String Input
String SearchString
Returns Bool
Checks if [input] occurs in string [SearchString].
If so, returns true, else false.
strLeft / left String Input
String SearchString
Returns String
Searchs from the left for the first occurrence of [SearchString] in [input] and returns the substring before the found occurence. If [SearchString] is not found the return is an empty string.
strRight / right String Input
String SearchString
Returns String
Searchs from the left for the first occurrence of [SearchString] in [input] and returns the substring after the found occurence. If [SearchString] is not found the return is an empty string.
strMid / Mid String Input
String SearchStringStart
String SearchStringEnd
Returns String
Searchs from the left for the first occurrence of [SearchStringStart] in [Input]. Then it searches from there for the first occurrence of [SearchStringEnde]. The substring between both findings is returned.
If [SearchStringStart] or [SearchStringEnd] is not found the return is an empty string.
startsWith String Input
String SearchString
Returns Bool
Checks if [input] starts with [SearchString]. If so, returns true, else false.
endsWith String Input
String SearchString
Returns Bool
Checks if [input] ends with [SearchString]. If so, returns true, else false

Date functions

Name Parameter Description
Date Number Ticks
Number year
Number month
Number day
[Number hour
Number minute
Number second]
Returns Date
Creates a date from the count of [Ticks] (see .NET documentation for DateTime)
Creates a date composed of the date part parameters [year] [month] [day].
[hour], [minute] and [second] are optional and can be used to set the time as well.
AdjustSeconds Date Input
Number count
Returns Date
Adds [count] seconds to the date returns the calculated date. Negative [count] is subtracted.
Adjustminutes Date Input
Number count
Returns Date
Adds [count] minutes to the date returns the calculated date.
Negative [count] is subtracted.
AdjustHours Date Input
Number count
Returns Date
Adds [count] hours to the date returns the calculated date.
Negative [count] is subtracted.
AdjustDays Date Input
Number count
Returns Date
Adds [count] days to the date returns
AdjustMonths Date Input
Number count
Returns Date
Adds [count] months to the date returns the calculated date.
Negative [count] is subtracted.
AdjustYears Date Input
Number count
Returns Date
Adds [count] years to the date returns the calculated date.
Negative [count] is subtracted.
Second Date Input
Returns Number
Returns the second date time part of [input]
Minute Date Input
Returns Number
Returns the minute date time part of [input]
Hour Date Input
Returns Number
Returns the hour date time part of [input]
Day Date Input
Returns Number
Returns the day date time part of [input]
Month Date Input
Returns Number
Returns the month date time part of [input]
Year Date Input
Returns Number
Returns the year date time part of [input]

Conversion functions

Name Parameter Description
cstr Type neutral [input]
Returns String
Converts [input] to string and returns it.
Cbool Type neutral [input]
Returns Bool
Converts [input] to boolean and returns it. If not possible an error is returned.
Cint Type neutral [input]
Returns Ganznumber
Converts [input] to integer and returns it. If not possible an error is returned.
Cdbl Type neutral [input]
Returns Number
Converts [input] to double/number and returns it. If not possible an error is returned.
Cdate Type neutral [input]
Returns Date
Converts [input] to date and returns it. If not possible an error is returned.
cChar Type neutral [input]
Returns Zeichen
Converts [input] to character

Logic functions

Name Parameter Description
If / iif,/ case / casewhen Bool Condition1
Type neutral Result1
[Bool Condition 2-n
Type neutral Result 2-n]
Type neutral ElseResult
Returns Type neutral
Checks if [condition1] is true and if so, returns [Result1].
Afterwards check the following conditions in the order of occurrence and return the result for the first true case/if. If no condition is true, return [ElseResult].
Nvl Type neutral [input]
Type neutral [ElseResult]
Returns Type neutral
Checks if [input] is null. If so, returns [ElseResult], otherwise return [input]
Not Bool Input
Returns bool
Changes the boolean value of [input] from true to false or reverse and returns it.

SQL Parser for non SQL

Custom SQL allows SQL syntax on non-SQL data sources which do not support SQL like CSV, XML or JSON.


The base syntax is the same as in original SQL:

SELECT [columns|expressions]
  FROM [Remote origin] as [tab identifier] [inner join [Remote origin] as [tab identifier] on [bool-expression]]*
 WHERE [bool-expression]

All expressions are using the DSL language. The syntax of remote origins is described here.

Special language characteristics are that

  • you have to name all tables and calculated columns with a name/identifier. Names of columns or “tables” are named with “AS Name”. SELECT 1 as Column FROM Table as T
  • Inner joins accept only = as condition with “=” are accepted. More complex comparisions are possible in the where clause Select T1.Key FROM Tab1 as T1 inner join Tab2 T2 on T1.Key = T2.Key
  • If using multiple tables/remote origins, every column has to be specified full qualified. Every column has to be refrenced by [remoteOrigin alias].[column name]
  • Variables can be inserted with the data binding expression ${{Varname}} SELECT 3 + ${{NumberVar}} as Calc from Tab AS T1

Defining origins and remote request

The FROM part of non-SQL SQL expressions is called a remote request. the basic syntax is

[protocol]://[resource location]


If no protocol is set, dataTransfer assumes file:// .

Additional to these URIs, dataTransfer uses an own parameter syntax for each remote origin. These look like this

[key]=[value]:::[key]=[value]:::[...]:::[protocol]://[resource location]

These parameters depend on the used protocol and data provider. If a parameter name is listed multiple times, it is handled as list value. In the previous examle http-header can be used as often as needed. Provider dependent parameters are described in the appropriate tutorial section. Protocol dependent parameters are described here.


if no protocol is specified file is assumed. Authentication context is the user executing dataTransfer. It is allowed to use \ or / as directory separator. / are converted internaly to . Drive letters are transformed to [letter]$.

The following parameters are allowed.

Name Description
file-server The server where the share is located - Default localhost

Because of these many interpretations this C:\temp/test.csv is transformed to \\localhost\C$\temp\test.csv

http and https

Authentication context is the user executing dataTransfer. The following parameters are allowed.

Name Description
http-method The http method to use for this web request. Allowed values are GET, POST, PUT, DELETE - Default GET
http-postdata Data which should be sent in a POST, PUT or DELETE
http-timeout Timeout of the web request in seconds - default 120
http-header Multiple usage possible, once for each http header. Header named in format Headername:Headerwert
http-SecProtType Security protocol version for https i.e. Tls12. Valid are the enum values of System.Net.SecurityProtocolType

ldap and ldaps

No additional parameters for ldap:// or ldaps:// are allowed currently. Authentication context is the user executing dataTransfer.

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