Replicate the appearance of the following Spotify pages:
- Home screen
- My Playlist #2
- New/empty playlist
Begin on 6/14 and deliver by 6/25
We coded and debugged these pages individually with HTML & CSS and since there are 3 sections beside the main area, we each took on one of those. For this project we got to try out a new tool, Tailwind CSS.
Our team...
- Divided work to be completed
- Noted and assigned tasks on Jira
- Created our own branches
- Made commits and pushed our updates
- Merged everything together
- Deployed for presentation
- PhpStorm IDE for production
- Tailwind CSS framework
- GitHub for collaboration / version control
- Vercel for publishing the final product
Amelia completed the following pages:
- new_playlist.html
- top nav section
Casey took care of:
- index.html (home screen)
- bottom control section
And Eleasah provided:
- playlist2.html
- sidebar menu